Thank You

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I awoke to the sound of someone sitting in the small armchair across the room by the generic writing desk. With a groan, I cracked my eyes open to see Alastor sitting there with a book propped open on his knee. At my stirring, he looked up from his book at me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked in a quiet tone as to not hurt my aching head.

"Like my head was slammed into a brick wall." I said with a sardonic laugh, wincing as it sent a stab of pain through my skull.

Alastor got up and moved into the adjoining bathroom. I heard him rummaging through the cabinet above the sink until he found what he was looking for. A moment later, he emerged with a bottle of aspirin and a glass of water. Handing a couple of pills and the glass to me, his eyes scanned me over for any other injuries. 

I gratefully took the aspirin, drinking the entire glass before setting it on the bedside table. My eyes turned back up to the lanky red demon before me. Was it just me, or did his ever present grin seem to be faltering just a bit?

"Thank you," I said softly, "For saving me." 

His grin became a little wider as he replied, "Of course, my dear. Get some rest." Then he turned back to his chair, sat down, and resumed reading his book.

Finding Love at the Happy Hotel | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now