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So like i'm sorry for everything..
i'm sorry the pain that i caused
you, you know that was never
my intention. I know i was one
toxic bitch but please melissa
i need you here with me. You
were the one person that truly
cares and loves me.




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"melissa please"
he sobbed into the phone, my heart broke
"hector.. look-"
i got cut off
"feels like i might have broke the best thing i've ever had, i'm scared melissa please i need you"
he sobbed
"come over"
"can i stay on the phone with you meanwhile i walk to your house"
I heard his mother yell at his dad in the background, i walked down stairs and grabbed waters and fruit from the fridge bringing it to my room, along with kleenex from the shelf's in the hallway. I turned my led lights to purple and set everything down ready for when he comes over.
"are your parents not home"
he was shaking
"um they went to california"
"for vacation i guess"
"and they didn't take you with them"
"you know how they are"

He came in and his eyes were puffy, almost as if he's been crying for awhile. I held his hand and walked him to my room "melissa" he said shaking and i hugged him, he cried on my shoulder. I let go and shut the door and pulled out some grey champion sweatpants for him to wear since he wore jeans. He undressed himself and slipped them on "is it okay if i leave my shirt off" he asked and i nodded fixing my cami shirt to make sure my breast won't flash him. "okay so tell me what's wrong" i laid down and he laid ontop of me putting the side of his face on my breast meanwhile cuddling into me. "my parents are gonna get a divorce, my sister is fucken pregnant at 14, and i miss being with you" i felt his tears. "and i'm so fucken stupid for driving you away, i'm sorry for everything i've done or said to you.. i truly am" "it's okay" my hand tangled in his hair "melissa can you give me a chance" "yes hector" i smiled and he looked up at me. "so are we dating" he asked and i nodded, he kissed my lips, it was a passionate kiss.

AGAIN ~ Hector diazWhere stories live. Discover now