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i said in a sleepy voice
"hi baby"
"papas is everything okay ? it's 3 am"
"yes ma.. i just wanted to hear your voice"
i giggled and set my phone on speaker
"okay love"
"how's everything been.. you know with your dad"
"well um my mom has been out the house a lot more.. all she does is work and work.. i've been home alone a lot of the time. But we went to get our nails done yesterday, it was only 2 hours before she had to go to work but it was something.. it's just been crazy"
"why dont you come over.. my mom loves you and so does my dad and my sister. Especially my mom.. lady asks about you so much"
"i feel like i should sneak to your house and come over mamas"
"no baby what if your parents catch you"
"then you come over"
"what if your mom catches me"
"baby i just wanna cuddle with you and kiss you"
he sighed
"i know love but it's now 3:15"
"just real quick please ma"
"okay look you come over, i'll lock my door like i do every night nun sus.. then once my parents leave for work i'll text them and say you're coming over and boom"
"okay babe i'll walk to your house give me a few minutes"
i got up from my bed and put on some nike socks on
"walk? walk? babe walk? no, no walking"
"baby if i drive they'll see my car"
I put on my cdg converse along with a white and red nike hoodie to match my why cdgs"
"i'll order you a uber.. wait no it's 3:30 and who knows who's driving. I'll get a uber.. come get you and come back to my house"
"baby i can just walk it"
"no it's too dangerous right now.. give me couple minutes babe but don't hang up until i'm outside"
we were on the phone until 4 am
"okay baby im outside"
i clicked on him and went outside making sure i had my keys and i locked the door making my way to the car.

"hi baby" i pecked his lips and put my seatbelt on "hi baby" he grabbed my hand caressing it with his thumb.

He closed his window and his curtains making sure he didn't make too much noise. He laid on his bed kicking off his slides and waited for me lay with him.

He tried kissing me but i moved my head making him irritated "why you move your head" "because i'm sleepy" i said cuddling into him but he didn't cuddle back. "give me a besito and i'll cuddle with you" he said and i pecked his lips "not a peck a besito" so i have him a kiss and he smiled because he got what he wanted. After 2 minutes of us kissing i pulled apart from him "can you cuddle me now" "yes mamas" he cuddled me making me warm.

AGAIN ~ Hector diazWhere stories live. Discover now