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" mamas please i'm telling the truth" he was irritated as she backed up from him every time he took a step forward. "hector please don't touch me" she shook her head with tears in her eyes but he didn't care he stepped closer to her "baby" "hector tell me the truth" she sniffled "we agreed on taking a break" he said lowly "what" "when you said that you think we needed a break i hooked up with her" "hector a break isn't a break up.. so you cheated" "mamas" she started punching his chest and he let it happen.. she cried as she punched she soon because weak and he hugged her and she cried in his chest.

After 2 minutes she let him go and looked at him with pain in her eyes.. "melissa baby i'm sorry" "hector i have to go" "melissa" she quickly ran out and ran to her house not caring if it was dark or if it was 4 miles away.. that cross country really payed off.

She got home and locked the front door making her way up to her room and sat in front of her white vanity.. the led lights on purple as she blasted frank ocean. "what the fuck is wrong with me" she sobbed pinching her temples.. something she did when she had anxiety. She no doubt hated herself.. wondering what was wrong with her and why he would cheat on her.




are you okay?

yes, thanks for asking 🤍

are you sure ?

yes .. don't worry bout me
im good hun


mattia i am


i have nothing to say.. i wish him
the best and nothing but the best,
i really did love him . Its gonna
be different now,
he was my best friend, he knows
so fucken much about me and the fact
that he knows so much about me and
slept with
her just gets me pissed off.
I just didn't expect it from him, i
thought i was gonna be okay but
i'm such a fucken pussy. I just fucken wish i
can take everything back .. i don't want
it to be true, like tell me i've been lied
to. What the
hell did i do to make him do this.. mattia
i don't want this to be true it just can't
be true. But hey we gave it a try
but maybe we weren't just right for
eachother but that's a fucken lie.

AGAIN ~ Hector diazWhere stories live. Discover now