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She walked into school with her head down listening to her music through her air pods. She felt eyes on her but she ignored it. Now that her and hector weren't together she didn't really have no one to hang out with.

She sat in class alone as hector sat with his friends, she didn't blame him though.. after she told him she didn't know what she wanted he basically left her alone. She didn't know why but she kept finding herself looking at him but he looked at her as well.. he looked for her to make sure she was okay.

They were in avid class and she was doing her TRF for she won't do it at home. Instead of finishing her TRF she put it away and put her head down listening to her music.

She got up and asked to go the restroom even though she didn't have to go. She looked at her self in the mirror and sighed. She pulled her phone out and scrolled through her messages but then realized she didn't wanna text anyone.. since she was ghosting everyone.

She stayed in there for about 10 minutes until she started to head out but she bumped into someone. "i've been waiting for you" hector said and she looked up and sighed "huh" "what's wrong" "nothing" she walked away but he followed. " somethings wrong what is it" "it's none of your concern" she walked faster "melissa" he stopped walking and she looked back at him and sighed "it's nothing" she said and continue to walk to there class.

She sat in her chair and looked at her desk remembering the memories they had.

the first kiss

He was walking her to her house with there hands interlocked "you know you're the first girl who was officially my girlfriend.. like this one chick emily we didn't even live in the same state.. but you, you're my first official girlfriend" he looked at her and admired her little nose, plump lips and her beautiful eyes.

"really" she giggled and he nodded "i would've thought a cute boy like you would have a lot of girls after them" "well there are but none of them really caught my eyes.. and plus they be having an ugly ass personality but you, you're kind hearted, beautiful, smart, funny.. should i go on" "no you're good" she giggled.

"and wow you have such a beautiful smile and giggle.. it makes me melt just seeing you smile and hearing your giggle" "hector" she blushed and looked away "no don't look away.. i wanna see your beautiful face" she didn't listen and still kept looking at everything but him as they reached her house.

They reached her front porch and she was still wasn't looking at him. He grabbed her face gently and leaned in. They kissed and he felt butterflies in his stomach and so did she. He smiled in between the kiss but they kept kissing.

He couldn't stop even if he wanted to and she couldn't either. He felt like he was at home, he felt happy and he knew this kiss would be all he would be thinking about. She felt safe, she didn't want him to go home even though he felt at home with her.

They soon pulled apart looking at eachother and smiling "so i have a soccer game tomorrow and i was wondering if you'd like to go" he asked blushing and not making eye contact making her giggled "yes of course i'd like to go"

Her thoughts got interrupted by the bell ringing so she quickly got her stuff and left the class walking quickly not wanting to be around hector.

AGAIN ~ Hector diazWhere stories live. Discover now