3. Snyder the Spider

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I had just finished selling my last pape when I came across Davey

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I had just finished selling my last pape when I came across Davey.

"Paper! Paper! Evening paper!" Davey tried to  pass one off to man but he ignored him.

Jack came walking up to us laughing.

"Sing him to sleep,  why don't ya?" He grabs Davey's paper from him. "EXTRA! EXTRA! Terrified flight from burning inferno! You heard the story right here!"

Another man passes by, "Hey!" And buys the pape from Jack.

"Thanks, mister."

I sat down on crate counting my money from today.

"You just made that up." Davey said flatly.

"No, I said he heard it right here, and he did."

"My father told taught us not to lie." Davey said as Jack tossed him the money.

"Well mine taught me not to starve." 

I rolled my eyes and stood up, "How about we not have a dick measuring contest?"

I got between them two, "You both come from different lives, we get it."

"Well you ain't gotta be rude." Jack said

I shrugged and turned towards Davey, "Hello Davey. Miss me?" I take my hat off.

"M-Mavis?" He asks engulfing me in a hug, "What you doing on the streets?"

I just shrugged shaking my head, "Shit happens, you know I left school years ago.."

Suddenly, Les came running over to us.

"I just sold my last paper!"

"I got one more." Davey said holding it up.

"Sell it or pay for it!" Jack scoffed.

"Give it here!" Les grabs the pape and walks up to a lady, fake coughing. "Buy a pape. Form a poor, orphan boy?"

"Oh, you dear thing, of course I'll take a newspaper. Here's a dime." The lady hands Les a dime and walks away.

I shook my head at him, damn that kid is gonna be a millionaire.

"Born to the breed." Jack says proudly.

"Hey, hows about we divy up the money? Well grab you some chow, find some place for you to spend the night." Jack says pacing.

"Oh, we gotta get home; our folks will be waiting with dinner." Davey said grabbing Les.

"You got folks, huh?" Jack asks sadly.

"Doesn't everyone?" Les asks Jack before he realizes what he said.

Poor Les, he has always been so sweet and innocent. I'm sure Jack knows he meant no harm.

"Well.. how about comin' home with us for dinner? Our folks would be happy to have you." Davey says trying to be nice but also wishes he Would say yes.

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