chapter eleven

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I am awakened by a soft kiss pressed on my lips. My eyes fluff open as I see the most amazing thing I have ever waken up to.
"And step back, right, left, forward, roll, and stop!" Derek yelled out the steps to our last dance of the season. We made it to the finals. We were one couple of the three who were Janel and Val, Alfonso and Whitney, and us! I was totally surprised when Lea and Artem were booted off, because they were one of my biggest competitions. Derek instructed me to do it again, and every time I completed or memorised a sequence, he kissed me. I replayed the steps in my head before stepping to the beat of Maps in my head.
The map that leads to you-ou-ou...
And step back, right, left, forward, roll, and stomp.
The map that leads to you-ou-ou...
And arms, shake, jump, roll and throw!
The throw was me jumping into Derek's case you cared.
He kissed my forehead and said, "Great job, babe! We're going to nail this!" The dance was tonight, and I really want this trophy! I know that it's just a plastic ball, but this means so much more to me. This trophy is a symbol of the journey I've had with Derek, and dancing! I LOVE dancing! I didn't think I would be into it this much but it's just so fun!
I smoothly executed the last move in our last dance. Sliding under Derek's legs and falling flat on the floor. The cheers of the audience were enough for me to jump up and throw myself into Derek's arms. I screeched and smile widely, showing off my dimple. We walked to the judges table and its was a chorus of "Wonderful!" and "It was crisp and smooth!" and "I loved it, and I love YOU!" and "Sexy, sexy, sexy, sexy, DARLING!"
You can probably guess who was who. Tom made some joke I didn't pay attention to and sent us up to the skybox. We had been on the little Internet show thing and we were asked about our relationship.
"So...whats your guys' relationship status?" Lacey asked. I shot Derek a look which was asking, "You want me to tell them?" and he nodded his head the slightest bit.
*flashback over*
The judges gave us all tens and of course me being me I screamed.
I looked into Derek's eyes and they both said the same thing.
We could win.
Hey girls. Or guys. Whatever. I don't judge.
So I got this message saying some pretty crappy crap and she basically said I was satanist...because I didn't update quick enough for her.
I got 6k.
What that crap.

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