chapter nineteen

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I just want to let you guys know that they have been like...frickle frackling...I just don't want to write that kind of stuff and the only reason I wrote that one chapter where I almost wrote it was to show that it happened and stuff.



I got married 2 weeks ago. I am married. I have a husband. Its a dream come true...

I just woke up and I look over to see Derek snoring very loudly. Yeah, no, he wasn't 'snoring lightly and it was so adorble,' this man sleeps like a motorboat.

My mouth gets watery and salty, which is the feeling I get right before I throw up. I stand up and walk to the bathroom assuming going to SmashBurger last night was not a good idea. As soon as I open the toilet seat I get the burning sensation in my throat. Puking sucks. I hear Derek stagger down the hallway as I cough one last time. He rushes over to me and rubs my back, asking if I'm okay. 

"Yeah, babe, I'm fine. Its probably just those disgusting burgers we ate last night."

He looks at me with concern. "Honey...I ordered the same thing. I don't feel sick at all. Do you think you might be...pregnant?"

I brush it off. "Of course I'm not pregnant. It's just the stomach flu, maybe?"

He just says okay and that he'll go get me some medicine at the store then walks out. I go to our room and pick out a tight black tank top, a white hoodie, and gray yoga pants. I'm not doing anything today. I shower and let y thought consume me. I think I still have my period planner app on my phone. I wonder if its late...

After I'm done bathing I step out. When I have my clothes on I hear a car door shut outside. I walk downstairs to meet Derek and I see my phone sitting on the couch. He walks in as I'm checking my calendar. I honestly don't pay much attention to when I get my period, I'm always so busy my period is just not a big deal anymore. Derek comes over to kiss my cheek when I drop my phone on my lap. 

"What's wrong?" He asks. I almost start crying. My period is a week late. I ask Derek if he happened to get pregnancy tests at the store and he chucks me a box of First Response. 


"Honey..." I say through the door. 


"Will you come in here with me?" I sound like a little girl. A little girl taking a pregnancy test. 

He opens the door and comes to hold my hand. I smile weakly and pee on the stick. 

About five minutes later the lines are showing up.

Yup. I said lines.

"I'm pregnant."


Neither of these chapters were long but they were very packed with goodies. 

Ermagherd shers prergnernt. 

lol guys wanna choose the name??? 

I don't know if its going to be a boy or a girl, or if there's going to be twins or whatever, but I have three names of my own for both ganders, and you guys can give me suggestions if you want, I am more likely to choose one of yours tbh.


Jaimee Skylar

Brailyn (Bray-lin) Paisley

Sasha Renee


Michael Oliver

Blake Kyle

Daniel Spencer

Suggest awayyyyyyyyyyyy!

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