chapter thirteen

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one year later...

I walked hand in hand with Bethany on the board walk. I was wearing a pair of board shorts and a t shirt. She had on a pair of black shorts and a white tank top with a long, blue, open shawl. A flower crown was placed on her head loosely.

My love was 20 years old. We were with her family looking for colleges, and right now we were looking at three different colleges in Hawaii. I fidgeted with the small, black, velvet box in my pocket. I used my hand to open it and felt the rough, round mirror ball on a silver band. Bethany looked at me and leaned in for a sweet kiss. Our lips touched as I touched the engagement ring. I disconnected our lips and she gave me a confused look. I gazed into her eyes and said, "Bethany, I want you to know...I will always love you. No matter what happens."

She gave me a worried look. "Derek, what are you talking about? Are you breaking up with me?" She asked, scared. I chuckled dryly. "Of course not." Her expression softened, but she formed another lost look. Her eyebrows crinkled and one corner of her mouth went down and her head tilted slightly. She was adorable. I was basically stalling, trying to figure out what to say to her. What if she says no? What if she thinks she's too young? What if she doesn't want children!? I mean, I don't want children now, but I don't know if I can handle her never wanting kids.

I thought over the possibilities of things I could say in my head, and then I finally found the perfect formula.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the box. She looked down at my hands and her eyes widened. As I got down on one knee she covered her mouth and tears began to form in her eyes. I began my 'speech.'

"Bethany, during our first matter how silly or ridiculous it was, I fell in love with you. You are my sunshine, you are my princess, my lover, my perfect, my angel, my darling, my Bethany. I love you with my whole heart and whole soul. Since we moved in together, my life has been amazing. You complete me. I know you're young, and I know there's an age difference, but none of that matters to me, because I love you. So, in conclusion...It was Love At First Dance." Now was the first time I opened the box for Bethany to see.

The tears that had been collecting in her eyes now began to fall.

"Bethany Noel Mota, will you marry me? I know its not a very large proposal, but I just really love you and I want to sp-" I was cut off by a pair of arms wrapping around my neck and soft lips on mine. "Oh, Derek. Of course I'll marry you!" I slipped the ring on her finger and stood up. She looked me straight in the eyes and tears fell once again out of her eyes. They were obviously happy tears because she had a large smile on her face. I enveloped her in my arms and rubbed her back. She pulled back so I could hear her better. "I love you so much...Derek, it would be an honor for me to be your wife."



We walked back to the beach house my family owned. If I picked Hawaii Pacific University, which is in Honolulu, the place of the beach house, it would be passed down to me. I don't want to leave Derek, especially because we're getting married. I don't know if we would be able to soon, I mean...I don't know.

We've already been on 3 flights, been on the road for about a total of 42 hours, and we've been to 7 colleges.


I'm really thinking of choosing HPU. I actually think I'm done looking, because it's a really good school. And, I've always wanted to live near the beach. I was pondering my future when a thought crossed my mind.

"Derek, when are we getting married?" I asked, timidly.

"Well," he began. "I honestly have no idea. I didn't think I'd get this far." He chuckled. I shook my head and decided to worry about it later. I'm engaged! To the love of my life. I couldn't be happier.

As I slid open the clear door I looked up to see my family sitting there. I nodded to Derek subtly.

"You guys, we have some really big news." My father, mother, and my sister all looked up with concerned/excited faces. He nodded at me. We both said in unison:

"We're getting married."
So. Yeah.
Let the comments begin.

so yup.
Eight thousand people read my book.
How is this happening.
Why is this happening.
How the fudgestickles am I being so calm rn?
Pretty much this meant thank you. I've gotten so much positive feedback from you guys and I just love you all so much. I remember when I was freaking out about this book getting 50 reads and now I have over 8.3k. I just feel so amazing about all of your awesome comments and messages and all that stuff and it makes me feel so loved. :)
So enough with my rant.
If you're still reading comment:
Harry Styles ate my unicorn. :(

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