chapter 2

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elena pov
1 week later

bonnie and her mom opened the casket and it turned out the original witch was in their she is now with her family kol has been helping me get better for only being a witch a week i am really good they don't know yet katherine has been pretending to be me and when she leaves to go to school i just stay in my room with the door locked i know how to do all the easy spells and a few harder ones  me and kol are becoming closer and me and kath

"were back"kath yelled  pretending to be me i unlocked my door

"hey"bonnie said walking in with kath

"hey how was school"i said

"good caroline is irritating stefan and damon keep showing up to talk and rebekah is nosey"kath said

"what"i said

"yeah rebekah kept looking at us weird"bonnie said

"there showing up trying to talk and everytime i just tell them i'm busy"kath said

"elena you wanna-"alaric said walking but stopped when he seen us

" i can explain"i said

"ok"he said

"a week ago i found out i'm a witch she's pretending to be me cause i'm powerful more than bonnie and bonnie and someone else is helping me control it"i said talking fast

"more powerful then bonnie"he said

"she is"bonnie said

"who is this other person"he asked

"he should be back in five minutes"i said

"how is he getting in and out"alaric asked

"kath please open my window"i said

"does damon stefan or anyone else know"alaric asked

"one more thing i should probally mention he's an original"i said

"elena"he said

"they don't know but i want to be able to control it first their gonna be yelling and if i can't control it it won't end well"i said

"bonnie is everything going ok"he asked

"yeah kaths a cool person and so is he he's not mean like klaus or rebekah he actually cares"she said

"alright"he said

"y'all can stay he was going to get food"i said

"ok"they said 5 minutes later he came in my window with the bags from the grill

"apparently my mom is hosting a ball and wants everyone from mystic falls to come i managed to convince her to invite katherine too and my brothers and sis are not allowed to kill or hurt anyone or they'll be in trouble"kol said

"oh i'm going"i said

"gotta get pass the guard dogs first"kath said

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