chapter 14

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elena and bonnie were in the new house and sitting at the table coming up with a plan

"they'll be out of the house in 3 hours we need a plan there gonna be mad we left" bonnie said

"we need to keep our distance from them until we deal with these heretics" elena said she wanted to protect them"we have to keep our distance"

"how do we do that there not gonna leave us alone to deal with them they don't care if were trying to protect them" bonnie siad they knew that they needed them to stay safe but she didn't know how"we need a distraction"

"and we got one text rebekah her kat and caroline snapps everyone else neck and meets us at my old house" elena said she knew that they were the best three to help without questions

"got it" bonnie said she went and grabbed her phone and texted rebekah

elena looked at her phone and she got a message from an unknown number meet me at mystic grill come alone"meet me at my house in 3 hours" elena said

"alright" bonnie said elena grabbed her phone and vamped out she walked in the grill and took a seat at a booth 5 minutes later one of the heretics took the seat across from her

"your an original and there's no way to kill you i get along with the witches i'm not like the others my name is valerie" valarie said

"why do y'all want me down" elena asked

"they want you down i have no beef with any of you i would rather be on my own but i can't due to the fact they'll probably kill me" valarie said

"you got my protection i won't let them hurt you you've been hurt i can see it in your eyes you know one of them which one" elena asked she knew when people were hurting she would protect this girl she could tell that she was different than the others

"stefan lily is his mom lily is in charge of the heretics" valarie said

"ok why don't you want to help them" elena said

"they want to take over the world get rid of regular vampires they only want heretics" valarie said

"you don't want that" elena said

"i may be a heretic but i'm not a bitch its not right to have only one race" valarie said

"tell me about yourself prove i can trust you" elena said

"in 1862 lily told me to watch her son stefan i fell in love with him i'm the real first love i got pregnant lilys boyfriend found out he beat me till i lost the baby after lily turned she turned me i'm her first heretic the guy you killed malcolm she loved him like a son she replaced her two sons with her heretics we were stuck in 1903 prision world i don't want to be evil anymore" valarie said

"i believe you but you have to know there all gonna die they have to there a threat if they can take me down they can take the originals down and i'm guessing you came from one of there's do you know which one" elena asked

"lily was turned by a kol mikaelson during a no hummnaity zone" valarie said

"well y'all have your perks i happen to have a very strong crush on said original" elena said

3 hours later

elena and valerie went to elena's old house they walked into her house and seen bonnie caroline rebekah and katherine

"i had to vervain my brother so we got about an hour" rebekah lied they had gotten everyone done except kol who was hiding in the house and vamped out as soon as it was up

"we need your help we want to kill all the heretics except her and to do that we are going to need a distraction" elena said she knew without a distraction there was going to be a lot of bloodshed and casulaties and she didn't want that she wanted to get this done nice and easy"you three are good at distractions"

"and why do we have to do it" caroline asked she didn't see why elena didn't want them to help them kill the heretics

"simple we don't want anyone to die i know who everyone in this room likes" elena said she knew that they would help her for the guys

"i don't know what your talking about" caroline said she didn't want to admit that she had a crush on klaus

"everyone in this room knows i like kol rebekah likes matt bonnie likes damon caroline you like klaus katherine likes elijah and valerie likes stefan" elena said she knew she was right

"fine" katherine said she didn't like it but she knew that elena was right they had to do it for the guys

"thanks keep them distracted" elena said she knew if anyone could do it it was them they weren't stupid

"got it" rebekah said and the three vamped out

"ok lets get to work valerie follow us" elena said she vamped out and they went to there house

"whats are we doing" bonnie asked she was ready to get rid of these heretics with everything else that was going on this is the last thing that they needed

"we kill them one by one there connected to kol's sire line we don't them that he'll sacrafice himself and thats the last thing we need" elena said she wouldn't be able to stand if kol died she loved him even though she probably would never tell him that

"ok then we need some weapons follow me" bonnie said she was ready to get ride of these heretics they went after there friends and that is something that you didn't do bonnie vamped back to elena's house and she went downstairs and grabbed a box and brought it back upstairs and opened it and it revealed stakes vervain grenades and wooden bullets

"wow where did y'all get that from" valerie said

"my brother and adoptive dad are vampire hunters and there good" elena said she put a few stakes hidden in her outfit and put a vervain grandae in her front pocket while the other two did the same"lets get this over with" valerie vamped out and they followed her to where the heretics were

kol seen the message on rebekah's phone before she did and hid in the basement knowing the three girls wouldn't look there as soon as it was over he vamped out he hid in the bushes by elena's house and listened in after all the girls vamped out he vamped to the basement and grabbed a white oak stake hid it in his pocket and went back to the bushes when the girls left the second time he followed them and stayed outside the house

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