chapter 12

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elena pov

we went to the party at the college and i guess it was the owner at the gate because we all was able to walk in no problems

"jer and matt no drinks"care said

"i expected that from elena not the party queen"jer said

"everyone else can handle drinking you can't"she countered

"not elena"jer said

"hello i cam hear you and yes i can i always have been able to your the ones that like leaving party's drunk"i said

"its true elena always had a high tolerance for god knows what reason and she can't even get drunk now"bonnie said

"fine"they said

"you do realise your the only two who have the capability of even  getting drunk so if i'm mad i have to deal with all my problems sober"caroline said

"call me when you can get mad or black out and say a spell and everything can go wrong"i said

"yeah well good for you"she said and i glared at her

"Dont start"i said

"Fine i got the point i shouldnt be complaing if everyone else has worse problems"caroline said

"How'd you do that"tyler askes

"Im trying to get better at not making everything about me"caroline said

"And elena scares her more than klaus does"bonnie sais

"No way"i said

"you do come on do you remember the things you did when you were playing you got speed and you can go invisible and your storng you can control people and things with your magic your strong  do you remember what you did to your house or the salvatores"caroline said

"do i scare all of you"i asked and they all nodded"i'm not that scary"

"yes you are"kol said

"lets just have some fun you people are buzzkills"i said i walked to the bar katherine came and sat next to me

"they are buzzkills but at least you scare them"she said

"at least i scare them"i said laughing

"come on lets have fun what we came here to do ignore the fact there scared of you"kat said

"lets have fun"i said we both got drinks and drowned them then went to dance we were lost in the crowd a

"you ok"kat asked

"yeah i'm fine"i said no i'm not this is actually really irritating

"your lying"she said

"i know"i said

"your gonna tell me whats wrong"she asked it would be good to talk to someone about it even if it is my crazy doppelganger

"its just a little stress ful  y'all make me seem like i'm invicible and i can stop any threat there's something coming i can sense it and what if i can't face it kat"i said

"you doubt your self to much you up to the original witch you took out an original you daggered a different one you protect everyone at all cost thats how i know that you will be able to do this i know for a fact that if anyone can do it its you there's no need to be scared you got this it may take a few try but what is life without risks hell what is life without complications both of our lifes have back to back complications but i know you can get through it now lets have fun cause your gonna need it"kat siad

"your right lets party"i said she did have a point my whole life has been one big complication but i have gotten through it yes it was hard but so is a lot of things i persevered through the pain and the struggle i succeed where a lot of people would have probably failed so i got this i know that i got this we danced around for a little while before everyone else showed up

"see you two are having fun"kol said

"yeah we are"i said

"apparently were the only ones"kat said then my head started hurting i dropped to the ground


"whats wrong with her"caroline asked

"were happening"a woman said walking up with three other girls and two guys

"mom"stefan said

"make it stop it hurts"i said

"1,2,3"kol counted and then the originals went and snapped ther neck my head was still hurting then it stopped

"get me out of here"i said someone grabbed me and vamped out they vamped us to the mikaelson mannor i sat on the couch then everything  went  dark

"Hello elena" i knew that voice it was ayanna

"Whats going on i thought that i had time" i said

"They came quicker then i thought they would im sorry but there is something you could do" ayanna said

"What" i askes

"Your blood can make witch hybrids turn bonnie that way your not out numbered she'll get a message when you wake up this is how you will beat them" she said

"Thank you ayanna" i said

"Elena they may scare you but it took all five of them to make you drop you and bonnie will be able to handle them i know y'all can" she said

"Alright" i said then i opened  my eyes everyone was starring at me

"It's ok elena it has to be done" bonnie said i nodded and bit my wrist  and handed it to her she drunk some of my blood then i snapped her neck

"What the hell is going on" damon asked

"She'll come back like elena" klaus said

"A hyrbid" stefan said

"It took all five of them to take me down with bonnie ill be fine" i said and caroline vamped in

"There gone they snapped my neck and left" caroline said

"Its alright next time i see them i'll be ready" i said after another thirty minutes bonnie woke up and caroline gave her a blood  bag

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