chapter 6

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Elena pov

My alarm woke me up I got up and went to wake everyone else up I went in rebekahs room and seen her and care sleep

"Wake up"I said

"I'm up"they said then I went to wake Kath up I walked in and she had the pillow on her head

"Time for school"I said and she got up

"Uhh"she said then I went in my room and pushed Bonnie off the bed

"What the hell elena"she said

"Get dressed"I said we all got dressed me and Kat wore a shirt that said beautiful on it mine was blue hers was pink and black ripped jeans bekah was wearing a grey shirt with no sleves with blue jeans care was wearing a yellow shirt with a leather jacket and blue jeans and Bonnie was wearing a blue long sleeve shirt with blue jeans and we were all wearing white and black Jordans

I grabbed my bookbag went downstairs and kol and Klaus were by the counter

"Yay my brothers listened"bekah said from behind me and we all looked at her confused

"Listened about what"Kat asked

"I told them to bring coffee and donuts"bekah said

"Good idea"I said they passed out the coffee and donuts

"Thanks"i said when they handed me mine

"come on so we compel the secritery"kat said

"lets go"i said we walked to my car

we drove away from the house then rebekah said"you and caroline were blushing so hard"

"you were"bonnie said

"leave me alone"i said

"come on you two would be cute together"kat said

"you mean like you and elijah"i said and kat started smiling

"you like elijah"bekah said

"you two were so worried about me blushing you didn't notice her"i said

"elena marie gilbert"kat said

"you deserved it"i said then we pulled up to the school

"lets go to the office meet y'all in class"i said and me and kat walked to the office

"hello how may i help you"she said

"i want to enroll"kat said

"alright i just need your documents"she said looking at us

kat made eye contact with her and said"check again they should all be there and i have the same schedule as her"

"oh here it is"she siad

"thank you"we said and left and went to class

i went to my locker with kat"what are y'all doing here"stefan said walking up

"we go to school here"kat said

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