chapter 10

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Elena POV

"I'm bored"i said sitting on the bed with bonnie and the girls

"What if we go over to my house and have a sleepover with everyone"rebekkah said

"Everyone"katherine asked confused

"My brothers the salvatore Matt Tyler Jeremy "Rebekah said

"You have to ask first"bonnie said

"Ok"rebekah said and pulled out her phone and put it on speaker

"Hello"klaus said

"Put it on speaker Get Kol and Elijah" bekah said

"Ok "he said we heard shuffling"Were here"klaus said

"What's up bex"kol said

"Its Friday everyone is board lets do a sleepover at our house"bekah said

"Why"they said

I held my hand up counting to three 1,2,3"please were bored"we all said

"Not gonna work"klaus said

"Or how about this"i said and starting chanting low

"Fine but fix it elena"they said

"No problems out of you three"i said

"Ok just take the spell back"kol said I started chanting again

"There"i said

"See y'all in a few hours"rebekah said and hung up then she texted everyone else

"What'd you do"kat asked

"Just gave them tails and wolf ears"i said

"Its his fault he taught you the spell"care said and I chuckled

"You know there gonna get you back right"bonnie said

"Yeah but I'm stronger"i said

"ok lets pack"care said we packed a bathing suit for all of us pajamah's and clothes

"ok we got everything lets go"bonnie said and we headed to their house when we got there i  made myself go invisible just in case then we all walked in

"where's elena"kol asked him elijah and klaus were holding water guns

"whats with the water guns"stefan asked walking in

"where's elena"klaus said

"so you can soak me i think not"i said and vamped to a different corner

"she went invisible she's not slow she gave you tails and ears"bonnie said

i vamped toward elijah snatched the gun and gave it to katherine then did the same to klaus and gave it to caroline"your not getting it from me"kol said

"will see"i said and walked to the other side of the room

"where is she"jeremy asked

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