chapter 5

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elena pov

when i woke up they were still sleep"wake up"i yelled bonnie fell off the bed onto care

"what the hell elena"kath said

"yeah"bonnie said

"up now i'm being forced to go shopping so i am waking you all up"i said

"fine"bekah said we all stood up and stretched then went down stairs

"since when are there 5 girls here"alaric asked

"since i stopped the originals from dying and in danger from the original witch"i said

"explain"he said

"ok but first coffee"i said he made coffee and gave us all a cup

"so basically i talked to the original witch i  had to keep my cover when finn compeled me if all her children had to drink my blood when bekah asked what happened ester and finn was watching so i couldn't tell her"i said

"so she kissed kol and whispered to him don't drink it"bonnie said

"then she had everyone come outside then i asked whats going on i thought you said it was nothing"rebekah said

"then  she said her blood was in the toast klaus then said we just drunk that and was getting pissed"care said

"then elena said not all of you and kol said i didn't"kath said

"then i said bekah when you asked me what happened ester and finn was watching i couldn't risk it she thinks finn compelled me she can't find out i'm a witch then bonnie said if one of the originals die so does everyone they sired"i said

"then kath said meaning she just saved every vampires life then klaus said meaning we put guards up around her house cause she's in danger"rebekah said

"elena asked do i even have a choice and the four originals said no"care said

"then finally elena said fine but i want her to have a pardon pointing at me klaus said why and then she replied with cause she's been helpful she could have killed me and ran we all know she's good at that but she didn't she's my friend so if i get guards she gets a pardon deal and he said fine"kath said

"then i gave stefan and damon an annerousim and said don't guestion me again or you'll have hell to pay and left"i said

"you kissed kol"alaric said

"is that all you got"i asked

"no so your in danger once again"he said

"yeah there are hybrids  outside kath is enrolling a my school if anyone asked i found out i had a twin"i said

"i'm gonna have the same schedule as her too"kath said

"first day dress the same just different hair"care said

"wouldn't be the first time"i said

"alright"kath said

"this is gonna be good"bonnie said

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