chapter 4

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elena pov

me bonnie and kath were heading to the mikaelson mannor for the ball when we got there and we walked in everyone was looking at us

"remember were twins"i said

"got it"she said and then stefan walked towards us

"what are you doing here"i asked

"i could say the same to you"he said

"surprise surprise"damon said walking towards us"your not supposed to be here"he said and grabbed my arm away

"i said i was coming and i don't care what you two say"i said then yanked my arm away and walked in

"you good"kath said coming by me

"just wanna get it over with"i said

"elena i'm sorry"care said coming by me

"follow me"i said and we went back outside

"why did we come out here"care asked

"he has vamp hearing"kath said

"i know your sorry also that you crossed a line yesterday i could have hurt you i'm not in control yet i told y'all that"i said

"its just i was hoping it would be you and stefan"she said

"you like klaus but me i'm crazy"i said

"i know i'm a hyprocrite i like the hybrid and i get mad becuase you like a original"she said

"i have to go talk to ester i need you to help me get up there"i said they both nodded and we walked back in

"yay your not mad"bonnie said

"no now just gotta go talk to her"i said

"your not going anywhere"stefan said walking up with damon

"like you could stop me"i said

"let her go"kol said walking up to us

"or what"damon said

"your deal with us"rebekah said walking up then he let me go

"i'll be back"i said and went up the stairs to where she was

"wise choice you came alone"finn said and then i walked in i looked at her and she was holding something

"its sage i spelled it so we could speak freely without fear of being overheard"she said then she looked at the guy and said"thank you fin that will be all" he left and closed the doors

"you must have questions for me elena please"she said motioning for me to sit

"so you've been on the other side 1000 years"i said

"natures way of punishing me for turning my family into vampires but theres a way for me to undo the evil i created"she said

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