chapter 11

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elena pov

then i chanted and the girls were back in their regular clothes and the dresses were in rebekah's closet"yeah were crashing that party and were wearing those dresses and masks" said

"what masks"care asked

"their on rebekah's bed"i said

"every guy better have a suit"katherine threatened

"we do"they said

"so were crashing a pary"caroline said

"what party"stefan asked

"there's a party at whitmore"caroline said

"yeah take the new vampire to a college party"i said sarcastically

"you'll be fine just have someone with you"kat said

"ok how long do we have till the party"i asked

"5 hours"she said

"ok what do we do to past the time"i asked

"pranks"bonnie said

"teams of two"nik said

"i got elena"everyone said

"no elijah and katherine damon and bonnie elena and kol caroline and klaus and matt and jeremy and stefan and rebekah"tyler said

"what about you"i asked

"your a powerful witch i think i'm good"he said

"ok then you can be the referree"i said

"alright"he said"each team slit up somewhere on the property everything goes"he said we all split up and me and kol went by the pool we heard tyler start the countdown"3,2,1 prank"he said caroline vamped to us trying to push kol in the pool andi used my magic and threw her in then i seen bonnie and damon with water guns and threw them in the pool with magic

"not today"i said and make me and kol go invisble this is gonna be fun

"no fair their invisble"katherine said and i pushed her in the pool then elijah went and pushed rebekah in who was sneaking in then stefan pushed elijah and klaus pushed stefan and i pushed klaus kol pushed matt and jer in and i turned us back visble

"damn their good"tyler said

"we win"me and kol said

"i hate that you have magic"katherine said

"i pushed you in i used magic on caroline bonnie and damon"i said

"that is nothing compared to what she does when she practices"kol said and all of them got out the water

"you mean this"i said and threw him in the water made him float in a water bubble then sent him crashing down

"damn thats cold"kat said

"yeah that is"kol said getting out and i ran in jumped in the pool being the only one that hasn't gotten wet besides tyler when i got out i dryed everyone off

we did more pranks klaroline won 1 match kalijah won a match and me and kol won two more then it was time to get ready for the partya

"kol and elena pranked y'all so hard"tyler said

"get ready"i said  the girls went to rebekah's room and we got dressed into our dresses and mask and then the boys came down in their suits

"we look fine today"caroline said

"we always do"me and kat said

"you two are the prettiest in the room of course you know"bonnie said

"aww thanks"me and kat said

"stop that"stefan said

"stop what"we said

"talking at the same time its creepy"matt said

"you ain't seen creepy"we said

"how do y'all do that"kol asked

"easy"we said

"stop"caroline said

"fine"we said

"we could probally do it longer"kat said

"yeah"i said and we laughed

"can we just go to this party"tyler said the vampires all drank a blood bag just in case then we went to the party and we went in the same pairs we did in pranks

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