chapter 3

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elena pov

its friday and its time for me to tell everyone me and kath are waiting in my car behind their house bonnie just texted and said everyone was here

"lets go"i said i put the spell on her when we reached the door and we walked in i could see damon irritated care worried bonnie fake scared kol smirking and the originals irritated

"what are we here for who called it"stefan said

"me"i said

"why would you call an intervention and invite them"he said

"don't start they need to hear this two"i said i chanted and kath became visible

"your a witch"everyone except kol alaric kath and bonnie said

"wait how does kol know"klaus said

"how do they know and not me"care said

"everything isn't about you blondie"kath said

"your working with katherine"damon said

"you might not work to irritate her she is stronger than me"bonnie said

"kol uncompell them"i said he walked over and returned there memorys

"thanks to the salvatores she unlocked her powers"kol said

"wait why is kol helping elena"rebekah said

"how did kol meet elena"elijah said

"that's not important"i said and everyone looked back at me

"i am a doppelganger and a witch a powerful one i'm here to call truce"i said

"with who"jer said

"everyone"i said

"why would we do that he killed you"damon said

"kath do you mind"i said she vamped up and put him in a choke hold

"you might want to listen to what she has to say"kath said and let him go and walked back by me

"the stakes where are they"i said

stefan vamped and grabbed the bag"here"he said handing it to me

and i poured water on them and lit it and watched them burn"i don't want to kill anyone at all we are living in the same town we might want to get along"i said

"your insane"care said

"you don't want to see her mad she practiced all her spells on me and kol it aint pretty"kath said

"yes they may have done bad things but so has everyone in this room"alaric said

"damon killed jer"bonnie said

"care killed a rando"i said

"i almost hurt all of you one point or another"bonnie said

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