Black and Blue (2)

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(Angel's POV) 

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK! Why does he have to be so hot!? Why do I have to be so stupid and gay!? Why did I get a crush on the most feared demon in fucking hell!? And how am I supposed to tell him what that means!? I can't just tell him that I want to fuck him! Argggg! Why is this so hard! 

"My Dearest, Are you ok? You seem to be zoning out My Dear..." He said with that charm he always has.

"Y-Yea I'm fine..." Dear Satan did I stutter? 

"So what does it mean?" He had a bit of childish curiosity in his eyes, he is so fucking cute!

"You don't wanna know Al.....It'll make you upset with me..." That curiosity in his eye only increased.

"Please tell me, My Dear!" Dear lord this man will be the death of me.

"It means i'dfuckyouifyouletme...." I mumbled in an incoherent mess of words.

"What was that Dear? I couldn't quite hear you." 

"N-Nevermind! Scram so I can eat!" He laughed and started walking towards the door, but he stopped and turned around.

"Dearest, would you like to go with me to a bar later this evening?" He asked me. Did he just ask me on a date to get drinks?

"Yes!" Damn it that sounded too excited.

"Alright my Dear! I'll meet you in the lobby at 7 pm!" He said in a very happy voice. I nodded, I must look like a tomato right now. He left my room and I looked over to the pastries and Ice water he left on my table, I grabbed one of the pastries and bit into it, it was super good, and sweet! I took a long sip from the water. I got up and did my morning routine, then went off to work. Charlie told me to quit my job, but what would my fans think? How would Val react? I wonder what Alastor thinks about it...

{Time skip brought to you by Skittles : Taste the rainbow!}

(Still Angel's POV)

I get back, barely hiding the bruises that Val put on me this time. Val got mad that I didn't give him all of the money, my share included...and he hit me....again. They usually are in easy to hide places...but this one was on my arm and there was another on my lower neck, this is bullshit...I should just quit...but what if he hurts me worse when I quit? I quickly get back up to my room and look at the time, 6:00 hour to get ready. I put on a long sleeve light pink turtleneck and a pair of black shorts, I look at myself in the mirror it's not my style but it'll cover up the black and blue shame on my body. I look at the clock again, 6:49 I shrugged and left my room, I went downstairs to wait on Alastor.

(Alastor's POV)

I start making my way down to the lobby, to see Angel in a turtleneck and shorts, strange he never covers up like this...He looks great though....Wait what? I walked right behind Angel, my footsteps were always almost silent.

"Angel My Dear, are you ready to go?" I asked him. He looked up at me slightly startled.

"Heya Al! I didn't hear ya walk up, stop being a creeper!" He laughed, his laugh is lovely...what?

"And yes i'm ready ta go!" He told me. I held out my arm for him, he wrapped two of his arms around mine. We headed out to Mimzy's  speakeasy, though I don't think Angel knew where we were... When we got there I led Angel inside the club that look like it was straight out of the 1920's. The demons in here seemed very comfortable in their surroundings, as was I. This place reminds me of home. Angel had that bewildered look on his face again.

"What's the matter, My Dear?" I asked him.

"Nothing it's just I haven't seen any place like this since I died...." He told me.

"Ah, well my dear friend Mimzy owns this fine establishment!" I told him, he nodded at me.

"Shall we go get drinks?" 

"Yes!" I walked him over to the bar, a lot of whispering occured.

"What would you like, Darling?" I asked him. He told me and I ordered our drinks and started listening to the whispering around us.

"Why is the Radio Demon with that sheik?" 

"That pro skirt must be looking for some sugar..."

"What is he doing with that wop?" Angel stood up at that comment, he walked over to the demon that said that, and rolled up his sleeves. Was there some black on his arm? Angel punched him in the pan. 

"Stronzo bastardo razzista, vai a mangiare merda!" He yelled at him, then kicked him a few times. He walked back over calmly and sat back down. I grabbed his arm, he yelped and pulled his arm away. 

"Angel show me your arm."

"No!" I grabbed his arm again, and pulled his sleeve up more, he had a nasty bruise on his arm. I stood up.

"Angel, we're going back to the hotel."


"Because I said so." I picked him up bridal style.

"H-Hey! Put me down!"

"Nope! I'm carrying you home, Dear!" I said with a chuckle. I kept my word and carried him to the hotel, I took him to my room and sat him down on my maroon bed sheets. I tried to remove his shirt, but he resisted.

"W-What are you doing Al?" He asked me.

"I need to make sure you aren't bruised anywhere else." 

"Fine." I removed his shirt and looked him over, he had another on his neck. I looked up at him his face was as red as blood.

"You seem like you only have two... Tell me who did this." I asked him firmly, he shook his head.

"Angel please tell me..." He thought for a moment.

"I'll tell you if you let me touch your ears!" I looked at him, my ears are sensitive....But I really must know...

"Fine." I sat on the bed next to him and he pet my ears. 

He mumbled "Così morbido..." 

I purred, leaning into his touch. This startled both of us.

"You purr?" He said giggling

"I guess so!" I said quickly getting up, my face was hot I must be blushing.

"Now tell me who made the bruises." 

"Valentino. He's my boss." I nodded, making a note to deal with him later. I looked at the clock, 10 pm.

"Angel Dear, it's late you can just stay in my room for tonight if you wish." I told him, his blush returned and he nodded. He laid down on my bed. I took off my overcoat and laid down on the opposite side of the bed, I don't normally sleep but if I need a stress reliever I will. We both fell asleep quickly after that.

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