On The Beam (21)

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[I'm feeling kinda sick so i'm not sure how often these chapters are gonna be coming out, sorry about that! Anyway, enjoy my Lovelies! Oh! And thank you to @Juicy_Goose for a few ideas in this chapter (Hope you have a little bit of a better day)!]

(3rd POV)

Alastor went from hiding in his room doing, only Satan knows what, to ripping apart hell every hour or so. It was one of the times when he was in his room, when Charlie knocked on his door...Only to get a mumble in response. 

"Hey Al...It's Charlie...i'm coming in. Alright?" Another grumble. She opened the door, to see an Alastor who was sobbing into his hands...with a close-mouthed frown, and a 'X' cut into his arm. Charlie quickly walked to him.

"My goodness, Al are you okay?"

"He's really gone...Isn't he?" 

"Yes Al...He's gone..."

"Then no. Sorry for my language but, no the fuck I am not 'okay'." Charlie reached to pat him on the back, and he didn't push her off.

"Al...It isn't the end of the world... He's in a better place now... You need to let him go..."

"And how do you suppose I do that? He has my heart on a leash, he really is a drug because he's the most addicting thing in Hell!"


"No. Don't tell me any of that bullshit, the only demon who wasn't scared to love me, to hold me. Is in heaven, the ONE place I can't get into!" He stood up and stormed out of the room to go cause more panic in hell, leaving poor Charlie sitting on his bed with tears in her eyes.

(Angel's POV)

I started walking toward where the map said my 'home' was, I opened the door when I got there and was astonished....It was an almost exact replica of my home when I was alive...Almost. I looked around, none of the guns were there, or my drugs. I go upstairs and look in the closet, I grab what used to be my favorite outfit, and put it on...I have someone to meet, that I haven't seen in many years...After a quick visit to that angel at the front again, I was walking to a small diner called 'On The Beam Diner' Some old slang, On the right track diner? Dumbass name but anyway. I walked into the diner and looked around, then turned when I heard a gasp...My Ma had gasped and spilled her coffee when she saw me, she got up and instantly hugged me.

"Ma...You're kinda choking me." 

"Sorry...How're you here...In Heaven?"

"I got better...But i'll be leavin' soon to go back to my boyfriend, he's probably ripping apart Hell because i'm gone. I wanted to come see ya before I left..." She just nodded, with a big smile on her face.

"Thanks for comin' ta see me...I'll always love ya. But ya should probably be getting back...For everyone's sake..." I gave her a smile, went back to my old home and grabbed the things from Alastor's mom, and a sharp knife. I walked outside and looked at the winged people around me, I walked to the nearest man, he had wings where the tips were colored pink...I could only assume lust. I stabbed him in the heart. The world went dark after I heard the screeching of the people around us... There was a deep voice in the darkness.

"You have broken one of the highest rules of Heaven, Thou Shalt Not Kill. As punishment you shall be tossed back into the scum of Hell dwellers, and not only that, you will keep that form for two days. Then you shall return till your impure demon form. I hope your brief stay in Heaven was delightful." With that I was back staring at the red sky of Hell, I was falling. I landed on the ground, some kind fellow cushioned my fall. I stood up, looked around where I was and it seemed luck was on my side today, I was only a block away from the hotel. I ran, I ran as fast as I could with my aching body to the hotel and noticed the closer I got to the hotel the more the amount of bodies increased. I finally got to the door I opened it and quickly got inside. I look around the lobby, it was pretty empty other than a pacing charlie whom looked over at me when I got inside. She quickly walked over to me.

"Angel? Is that you?"

"Yea? Sorry I was gone for a little a while, I had some business to take care of." I said with a smile.

"You look...Why are you human?" 

"Oh, well for some reason being thrown into hell wasn't enough of a punishment for em, so I get to stay in this form for a day or two. Is Al here?"

"Al should be back soon. It's almost been two hours, and he's been switching from terrorizing hell to sulking in his room ever since you left."

"I knew it. Where should I wait for him?"

"He'll be walking through the lobby doors soon, I would wait in the lobby. I'm going to bed...Everyone else is asleep already." She said walking toward the stairs, I went and sat on the couch to wait for my man... After about ten minutes the door opened and closed, Alastor had walked in. He had tear streaks down his face, and he was almost entirely covered in blood. He saw me, and I looked at him.

[To Be Continued (I'm sorry, and i'm going to bed now)]

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