Shattered Glass (15)

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[@A_Gay-Communist and @Youdonthavethisname are the ones that gave me these ideas and the inspiration to write this chapter! Thank you so much! (Hope this is angsty enough for you!)]

(3rd person POV)

It had been multiple days from when this story had left off, the group had not faced much trouble. They followed their daily routine, Angel hung out with different people depending on who was busy or not. Alastor did paperwork then walked around the hotel to make sure everyone was ok, often he was accompanied by Angel Dust. After the day was coming to a close, Angel, Whom had recently moved from his room to Alastor's, Would walk with Al to their room. When they got there Alastor would change in the bathroom and Angel would change in the bedroom. They would lay in bed and chat until they fell asleep, or I guess more accurately, Angel fell asleep. Everything was peaceful, demons checking into the hotel about once or twice a week, until...The peaceful cycle came to an end with a new visitor who came a knockin at the door...

(Angel's POV)

I was sprawled across a couch, my legs were on top of Alastor's, he was taking a break because I was "Being needy"...I just wanted to talk to my man! We were having a nice conversation when there was a knock at the door, I moved my legs so Al could go answer the door. He got up and opened the door, then immediately slammed it in the poor demon's face... Unfortunately Charlie, who wouldn't reject anyone, witnessed this and fussed at Al then opened the door. Alastor grumbled and sat next to me, I sat up then crawled across the couch and stopped right next to him.

"Who was at the door, Babe? Why'd you just slam the door like that?" I asked. He just grumbled. Charlie opened the door and a male demon with a television screen for a head walked in, and walked directly to Alastor.

"Hey Old-Timer! Wasn't very 'Proper' of you to slam the door like that! Came 'cuz I heard you got a slut to pull up their britches for you!" The man said in a glitchy voice. I knew he was talking about me, but I don't mind being called a slut...It's what i'm known for...But I could already feel the anger boiling from Alastor, but to anyone unfamiliar to him it would seem that he was in good spirits. 

"He isn't a slut." Was all he said.

"Oh, He? I'd think you'd be too stuck in your own ways to fuck another man."  I looked at him, now you could see that he was angry. His antlers grew a small bit.

"Is it the famous pornstar? Angel Dust? Hah!" The man turned to me.

"Enjoy his dick while you have it, Just watch, He'll leave you soon enough...Y'know, once you're not 'entertaining' enough for him." I'm trying not to believe him...Alastor isn't just using me for entertainment...Right? I haven't even seen him shirtless...let alone seen his...Alastor wouldn't just...up and leave right? I felt the tears coming to my eyes...Alastor cares about me right? I'm not just a entertainment device...Who am I kidding? I'm just a toy...Something for people to use then throw away...Like trash. I felt the warm tears rolling down my face. I finally look up when I hear a crack...The man's T.V. face was shattered, and Alastor's grin wasn't there...He wasn't smiling...Why wasn't he smiling? Alastor was in his full demon form...And it seemed like everyone was hearing something that was bringing pain to their ears...But I was hearing jazz music...The kind mostly being played in the streets of New Orleans, older music. The lights were flickering. Alastor seemed to be shouting, but I couldn't hear him over the music. I stood up and walked toward Alastor, and the now cowering, shattered, T.V. man. I reached up and rubbed Al's ears, he was slightly taller than me in his full demon form. Alastor instantly froze feeling his ears being touched. He turned quickly to see who it was, and as soon as he spotted me, running mascara and all, his smile came back, I kept rubbing his ears and he returned to normal, he seemed sleepy. He took my hands off his head before he started purring. He turned back to the T.V. man.

"Vox. If I ever see you even around this hotel, I will kill you. Without question. You understand, Dear?" He said 'dear' with venom that anyone would sting from. Vox, The shattered man, Nodded very quickly and ran out of the hotel. Alastor started walking to the stairs, quickly. I walked after him but when I got to the top of the stairs he was gone, I ran up to our room, I tried to open the door but it was locked. I fumbled with my key and opened the door. I looked around our room and saw he wasn't in the main room, the only other room was the bathroom I rushed there. What I saw made me stop in my tracks... Alastor looked toward me and his smile fell, again. He went back to what he was doing...

[To be continued. Sorry!]

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