White and Pink (22)

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[I feel like i'm going to be wrapping up this story soon, so if you'd like to, give me some ideas of what to end the story on (I'm gonna ignore the requests for Mpreg, don't even try)!  Also! Request some things to happen over the next two days! Enjoy the chapter my Lovelies! (Sorry this chapter ends kind abruptly, I couldn't figure out how to end it)]

(Angel's POV)

I looked at Alastor, covered in blood. I watched that small frown turn to a smile in less than an instant.

"Angel...Is that you?" I smiled and nodded.

"I'm glad to be back, but this form is kinda shitty...Two arms are lame." Alastor seemed to be frozen for a moment, but only for a moment. I barely blinked before I was in his arms, he was holding me tightly...like if he let go I would disappear again. It was now that I noticed he was taller than me in this form, fuck.

"As much as I love you holding me, this is the only outfit I have to wear for the next two days...And I don't think that blood goes very well with pink." I said with a laugh.

"And you're kinda suffocating me." He lessened his grip, but didn't let go. 

"Maybe, if you go clean yourself up, i'll shower you in kisses like always." He stared at me for a little longer, it was as if he was having trouble processing why or how I was back. But after a few minutes, he let go and we stood up. We walked up to the room, and it took 5 minutes for Alastor to be cleaned up, get his of kisses, then start asking me questions.

"Why did you not stay?" He questioned.

"You think i'd leave my loving boyfriend, and everyone I care about to live up with snobs and homophobes? And I didn't want Hell to have to suffer by your hand for too long." I said with a laugh.

"Well, what was heaven like?"

"White, like obnoxious amounts of white. The gardens were pretty. Your mother was nice. It-"

"You looked for, and met Mama? Did you tell her who you were? Did she talk about me?"

"One, that was a little rude. Two, yes, yes and yes. Three, She wanted me to give you stuff." I said taking out the letters and the photograph, and handing it to him. He looked at the picture for just a second then opened the letter that was on top, his usual grin looked even more genuine than before.

"She was thinking about me..." He said with a smile.

"Why wouldn't she be? I mean i'm always thinkin' of you."

"You're shorter now."

"Fuck...I was hopin' you wouldn't notice..."

"Angel dear, I would've noticed eventually... Speaking of...Why're you in this form anyway?"

"It's a punishment or somethin' cuz being put back with the scum of the world wasn't enough for em. I'm stuck like this for two days."

"At least you're tall for a human."

"I enjoyed my few inches of height above you, thank you very much."

"I'm sure you did, Darling...You weren't even gone a day and I missed you so much..." 

"Glad that you were thinkin of me while I was up in that place, It was was more like hell than hell is. Actually that's just my opinion."

"Dear, Did you go see anyone else while you were up there?"

"Well yea. I went and saw my Ma, pretty much all of my famiglia is down here. Except for her. I wish I spent a bit more time with her...Up there I mean. After I met her I grabbed the stuff from your Mom, and the sharpest kitchen knife they put in my house. Poor guy, didn't know what hit him. 'Thou shalt not kill' Why did they even let me up there for a split second? Oh! Something I found out, your Mother was violent?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well...For some reason, if you made minor sins in your life they are displayed on the wings. Your Mother had red-tipped feathers. When I asked her, she said she was violent and left it at that. My Mother had pink-tipped wings, I assume for lust, she had sex before marriage seein' as my brother attended my parent's wedding." Alastor looked at me...He seemed to be thinking about something, He nodded after a moment. 

"What will you be doing for the next two days? It isn't safe for you to go out in this form..."

"I'll probably be cooped up in this room...Argg that's gonna be so boring!"

"Well Dear, I'll be here to keep you company...I'll take off work to spend time with you." He said with a slightly wider smile. I smiled at him.

"Al...You don't need to do that."

"But I want to Dear! So it's happening!" I laughed a bit.

"Okay then, I won't protest spending time with you~!"

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