Strawberry Bon-Bons (7)

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[Quick note, strawberry bon-bons are those hard candies that taste like strawberry, with like a gel inside. Just in case you didn't know, anyway! Along with the story!]

(Angel's POV)

As soon as I got in my room and the door closed I ripped open the envelope, to find a small piece of paper all it said was, 'I love you My Dear Angel, Room 207' I stared blankly at the paper, taking in the information. I quickly set the paper on my bed and ran up the stairs, his room would be on level 11. I ran up four flights of stairs and looked for his room. I knocked quickly, and tapped my foot when I heard shuffling. Alastor opened up his door with that charming smile replaced with a knowing smirk. I stare at him for a second. I quickly step forward and wrap one set of arms around his neck and another on his waist, pulling him into a tight hug. I felt him tense up but he quickly relaxed, I felt his arms wrap around my waist as well.

"Was it true...? The message on the note?" I ask him quietly.

"Was? My Dear, it still is true!" He said in a warm, comforting voice.

"I love you too....Ti amo così tanto...." I say in a quiet voice, just loud enough for him to hear. I smile a little and reach one of my arms up and start petting his ears, he started purring again, its so cute! I felt him leaning into my touch.

"What does this make us Al?" I ask him quietly.

"Well what do you want us to be?" He asked...What do I want us to be? I want to be more than friends, but I haven't done this in a long time. My last boyfriend was when I was alive...and my brother killed him...Am I ready for this again? Yes...Yes I am! I'll go through this and what happens, happens! I looked into his beautiful crimson eyes.

"Can we be...lovers?" He looked at me for a moment, seemingly thinking.

"I think I would like that..." He said in a soft voice.

"Does that mean I can kiss you, like I have been wanting to since you got here?" He chuckled and kissed me.

"Does that answer your question, My Dear?" I nodded quickly, my face must look like a tomato right now...

(Alastor's POV)

I love my Angel and now that I can hold him in my arms, I love him even more! I never want to leave this embrace...But after few more moments Angel left my arms, my disappointment must of shown in my eyes.

"What did ya want me to hug you more?" He asked sarcastically.

"What if I told you yes, My Dear?" I told him, I felt him hug me again.

"You can have all my hugs and love for you Al..." He said with that sweet smile that I love so much. 

"Please smile more often, My Dearest~! I do love your smiles!" I said in a chipper tone. He gave me a wider smile, and my dead heart melted at the sight. 

"What do we do now? Do we tell the others?" He asked me. If we told the others then it might get out that I am with someone...That would make a ruin of the name I have made for myself...What would happen if word got out that I, The all feared Radio Demon, Was lovers with an ex-pornstar. I looked at him, he must have seen how hard I was thinking...

"We don't have to tell them if you don't want to..."

"We can tell them, just give me some time to adjust to this..." I told him and he nodded and happily smiled at me. I looked at the clock, 10:49 PM.

"Dearest, It's getting late...You can stay again if you'd like." I said in a happy voice hoping he would stay with me in my arms. Angel nodded quickly. I led him into my room and let him sit on the bed.

"Oh how rude of me! Should I go get you some night attire from your room Darling?" He looked away for a bit.

"No need....I don't wear pajamas to sleep..." He said quietly, I look at him for a moment.

"You don't own nightwear?" I ask him.

"Not the kind that you are talking about~" He said in a hushed voice.

"You can borrow some of mine, but we are fixing this problem tomorrow" I say, ignoring his comment.

"Ok! I'll just wear these shorts and one of your shirts!" He said happily, while I was grabbing night clothes, I grabbed a shirt that was a small bit big on me. I know that Angel would have fit in one of my normal shirts but I wanted to see him in it... I handed him the shirt and went to the bathroom and changed, I walked back out to see Angel sitting on the bed with my shirt on. Angel's previous shirt was neatly folded and set on one of my chairs. I walked over to the bed and sat next to him, I felt him lay his head on my shoulder.

"We should go to bed, Darling..." He lifted his head and yawned.I stood and walked to the other side of the bed, he got in the bed and when I got in he almost immediately hugged onto me like he would die again if he let go. I wrap my arms around him, and he falls asleep quickly after that. I don't fall asleep, I just watch him peacefully sleep in my arms.

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