Spider Dance (17)

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[Hello my Lovelies! I'd like to say thank you to everyone reading as we hit 10K reads recently! Oh and! I hit 60 followers too! I love all of you, thank you for all the support you've given me! Also (again I know) Thank you to @user76460350 for the inspiration for this chapter!]

(Angel's POV)

I stood staring at the two figures in the doorway...It was my sister...and...Arackniss, My..Brother.

"Anthony...? I-" My brother said but I cut him off.

"Who said you can call me that? That name is gone. Dead. I'm Angel now." I spit out, I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. Alastor had gotten out of bed.

"I-...Sorry, Angel. I came to..." He looked at Molly.

"I came to say sorry...For everything... Padre made me do most of it...But I shouldn't have done the things that he didn't force me to..."

"Was...Was he why you killed...Is he why you killed Charles...?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"Yea...I'm so sorry...That I did that...That's why you...I..I'm sorry..." Alastor stayed quiet the entire time, I guess he thought it wasn't his place to speak...He'll probably ask about it later...

"I...I'm over it. I...We can talk later. I'll go talk Charlie into giving you a room for a while...Uh...You two can talk with Alastor for a while..." I said walking out of the room into the hallway, Alastor silently gave me a robe so I didn't walk the halls in a tank top and booty shorts. I thanked him quietly and walked to Charlie and Vaggie's room.

(Alastor's POV)

I looked at the two spiders in the hallway. We stood in awkward silence for a moment.

"How rude of me! Come in!" I said stepping aside to let them in, As they walked in I snapped my fingers and I was back in my normal suit. 

"Would either of you like coffee or...Perhaps tea while we wait?"

"Well...Coffee could be nice..." The female spider said. In about three seconds we all had a cup of coffee in our hands.

I looked over to the white spider, "So your name is Molly, Correct My Dear?" She gave me a small smile and nodded.

"And what might your name be?" I said looking at the short spider.

"Arackniss." He said.

"That's only his name because he's too pussy to be named after a drug like the rest of us!" Molly said quickly.

"I am not! It's not my fault that I was the only one not stupid enough to take drugs!"

"You were an alcoholic by the time you were 13. Don't school me on being stupid."

"I thought we weren't supposed to talk about that, Molls." My Angel said from the doorway.

"Got cha keys! Me and Al'll walk ya to your rooms." Angel said. The two spiders stood up and set their cups on the table and walked to the doorway, I was right behind them. Angel and Molly chatted the full way there, with Arackniss adding some input occasionally. On the way back me and Angel chatted about nothing in particular, as soon as we got back too the room Angel flopped into bed and fell asleep almost instantly. I laid next to him and decided to actually sleep tonight.

{Time skip brought to you by : Writer trying to hide her writing from her nosy sister}

(Angel's POV)

I was walking along a small path holding hands with a man that was taller than me, he had black hair and green eyes...It was my last boyfriend, Charles...He was always a kind man, never questioned me when I went out late...A gunshot rang through the air and suddenly Charles was dying in my arms... Sex work...And a lot more drugs than before...His smiling face as the life faded from his eyes being burned into my brain... 

Then I woke up, my face was wet with tears. Alastor woke up when I got out of bed.

"What's wrong, Darling..?" He said groggily, then he noticed I was crying. He jumped up and hugged me.

"Dear, What happened? Did you have a nightmare?" I nodded, and sniffled.

"Here...I'll make some coffee and you can tell me about it..." I walked over and sat in the small sitting area... I started thinking...He really does love me...Why else would he get up at one in the morning to listen to me talk about nightmares...Why else would he put up with my stupid antics... Alastor is one of the best men iv'e ever met, Hell, probably the best man...Sure he killed a few people, but who hasn't? Alastor walked back and handed me a cup, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Thank you Al..."

"Why thank me? This is the least I can do compared to what you have given me."

"What do ya mean?"

"Well My Dear, That's not very important right now...You had a nightmare?" I nodded.

"Tell me about it, Dear."

"You call me 'Dear' A lot, when really you are my deer." I said with a snicker.

"Very funny Angel." He said with a chuckle.

"You know you love me."

"I do love you, more than I love my Mama's jambalaya!"

"I'm not sure if I should be offended or not." I said with a laugh.

"So what's with this nightmare?" He asked me finally.

"Well...My last boyfriend, his name was Charles...My brother shot him, and he died in my arms. He was the last thing that made me happy in my life. I died a year after him, from a drug overdose. His smile right before he died will always be burned into my mind..."

"Oh Dear..."

"Yea...He probably made it to heaven...The only sinful thing he ever did was be with me. I'm over it now...The dream just...startled me." Alastor nodded and seemed to finish his coffee. 

"Well dear...Would you like to make another attempt at sleeping or chat with me until it gets to daylight?"

"The former please..." I said while walking back to the bed. I laid under the covers and soon Alastor was with me, holding onto me like I would disappear if he let go. I drifted off to sleep soon after.

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