Mixed Feelings (19)

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[Hello! I know that I asked you all whether you'd like shadows or light...But I decided to do both so everyone would be happy, but mainly shadows...Because that's what won! Enjoy the chapter my Lovelies! (Please don't attack me for mentioning one of my OCs in this chapter)]

(Alastor's POV)

The bunny stayed quiet, the fear blossomed inside of him, he couldn't hide it anymore. 

"Oh? Well my Dear, if you can't choose...Then why not have both!" I dropped him on the ground and my shadows started talking to him, and touching him...Killing his mind and torturing his body. I let my smile widen when I set him on fire. His screams were full of agony, it was lovely! I had my shadows make sure he was dead as I was leaving. He wouldn't be bothering us anymore. I walked back to the hotel and up to my Angel. He smiled at me.

"Hmm, you don't have blood on you. And, you smell like fire...So i'm guessing you burned him alive." My smile widened a bit.

"I'll guess i'm right then. Oh! Guess what happened!" I tilted my head.

"Oh, what happened? Please do tell Dear."

"Somebody went to Heaven! It is possible!" I stared at him for a moment, processing his words...Did he say what I think he did?

"Excuse me dear...Would you mind repeating that?"

"Al, Some girl, I think her name was Ophelia or somethin', went to Heaven today."

"Went...Like, was brought up to Heaven?"

"Yes Al. That's what I said." I looked at him...They...Left Hell...And went to...It's possible? I...I could have gone to see Mama if I was good...? I felt my smile going down, I was struggling to keep it up...I felt the tears welling up in my eyes...Strange...I haven't cried since...well since my childhood. Angel's eyes filled with concern.

"H-Hey Babe are you ok?"

"I'm fine my Dear...I'm not sure what's happening." I said as the red tears finally fell.

"I'll be in the room if you need anything, Darling." Before he said anything I was gone, and in the room.

(Angel's POV while Alastor has a mental breakdown)

What's up with him? I thought this was a good thing...Was he crying? I start speed walking toward our room...but slow down near the door. What if he wants to be alone? What if he NEEDS to be alone? Fuck it, i'm going in. I knock gently on the door, I hear Alastor grumble a little bit. 

"Go away." I opened the door, and shut it behind me.

"Hey Al...Are you feelin' okay?" He looked up at me and signaled for me to come sit with him. I sat and he hugged me, tight. I felt him nuzzle into my fluff. I started stroking his head...That always seemed to relax him. 

"Please don't leave me...I can't stand being away from you..." 

"It's okay Baby...I'm not leavin' anytime soon..." 

"You...I can't...Dear...i'm not gonna be able to get into Heaven...but...If you want to truly get up there...I can't, nor will I stop you..."

[And, Cliffhanger! I'm sorry for this, and the short chapter]

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