Stubborn Bunny (18)

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[Thank you to my little sis for the idea for this chapter! Thank you all for reading this story, and enjoy the chapter my Lovelies!]

(3rd POV)

It had been a few days, at least. Angel had been spending time with his siblings, and Alastor was trying to warm up to them... Trying. They all were sitting at the bar, only Arackniss and Molly were drinking as Angel didn't want to loose his streak and Alastor didn't find anything strong enough. There was a loud knock on the door.

(Angel's POV) 

I looked toward the door, but Al had already gotten up to answer. I didn't hear what the demon at the door said, only Alastor's response.

"Why? Do you have business with him?"  A few moments later Bambi stepped aside and let the male demon in, he looked mostly human except he had rabbit ears, and most likely a tail...and very familiar... He looked around the room and instantly ran up to me and hugged me when he saw me, I could feel Al staring at us. I pushed him off.

"What the hell! Who are you?" I asked him.

"A-Anthony..? You don't recognize me..? It's been so long...I still love you..." He said.

"That voice....C-Charles? I-I You w-what?"

"I love you! It's been so long! Do you go by Angel now...That's fine, you always were my angel anyway!" 

"Charles hold on a minute...Have you not moved on from me? Charles...I have a boyfriend." I looked at Al with a small smile, and looked back to my ex, his face looked like something broke inside him.


"Al come over here for a moment." Alastor walked over to me, and I kissed him on the cheek.

"This is Alastor, my partner." Alastor's smile widened when he saw fear bubble in Charles, it was quickly shoved down and hidden. 

"I...Fine...I'm gonna leave now...But i'll be back for you babe~" He said before quickly running out.  Angel sighed.

"He was always clingy...I didn't know it was this bad...My question is...How is he down here? I thought they let it slide if it was minimal. He went to church and shit, I know because he dragged me...I slept through most of it." 

"My Dear, I assume that was your ex? Would you like me to...Take care of him?"

"No, No, Charles doesn't deserve that. Poor boy didn't even question me when I came home with blood on my clothes."

"Alright Dear..." 

{Time skip brought to you by : Crazy Exes}

(3rd POV)

 Over the weeks after that, Angel was sent many gifts and letters by the Bunny...Which he then put into a big pile and burned it with help from Alastor. Angel put his name on the list of people who weren't allowed inside the hotel, going through the proper paperwork of course. But...This time...Was not normal. Angel walked up to the room and walked inside like normal, he was only going up there to get a piece of paperwork for Al. But he stopped in his tracks when he saw something on the bed, he had locked the door when he left this morning right? He walked over to it...It was a note addressed to him and some chocolates...

My dearest lovely Angel,

Oh how you anger me, why have you been ignoring me? Iv'e seen you burning my lovely gifts with your new, so called 'boyfriend'. You are mine and you know it. Why do you torment me by running away? I love you...and will always love you...

(Angel's POV)

I stopped reading there...I couldn't read anymore...Had he sneaked into the room while we were gone? There is no way that he was let in...The door to the room was locked, I remember locking it when me and Al left this morning...The window...But this room is very high up, did he scale the building? I grabbed the note and tossed the chocolates in the trash. I ran downstairs straight to Alastor.

"There you are dear, that took you a while. Did you have trouble finding it?" He asked

"No, No. Read this. I found it on the bed." I said while handing him the note, his eyes scanned the paper...and I could see the frustration and anger bubbling up inside him. He set down the note and grabbed his staff.

"I'm going out Darling."

"Where to? I want to come..."

"No, No. You can't come. I'll be back soon enough Dear, then you can mess with me all you want...Within reason."

"Alright...Fine. Don't get too much blood on your clothes babe." I said and gave him a small kiss. His smile widened a bit, then with a small snap he was gone.

(Alastor's POV)

I knocked on the old rotting door, it took a second before the cowering bunny from before opened the door.

"Iv'e been expecting you, did you come to give me back what's mine?" He asked

"Sorry, but i'm afraid not. I don't plan on giving Angel up anytime soon, he's mine and I don't like to share." I grabbed the weak demon by the collar.

"I would like to make you suffer for bothering him, but he told me not to get too messy... But that doesn't mean I won't make your last moments very painful. Now, because I want you to have some fun too you get to choose how you go out. Do you like shadows or the light, Dear?" 

[To be continued, but ya'll get to choose. Does the little bunny like shadows or light?]

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