A Little Advice (5)

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(Alastor's POV)

2:03 AM

I felt the urge to see Angel again and I simply couldn't wait till morning, so I decided to watch him sleep. I know it makes me seem like i'm a bit off the track, but I couldn't help it! I simply must be near my dear Angel! What is happening to me? The Radio Demon is hiding as a shadow in a porn star's room, watching him sleep...

{Time skip brought to you by : Taco Bell's fire sauce [Damn liars, it doesn't contain any REAL fire]}

(Still Alastor's POV)

I left once it turned 5 AM, what would he think if he woke up to me in his room? I headed downstairs and into the kitchen, I made a cup of black coffee and started making breakfast for the hotel. I checked the time when I was done, 6:49. Angel should be waking up in an hour or two! Footsteps interrupted my thoughts. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I quickly turned around to see who was touching me. When I saw it was Angel I relaxed, I wonder why i'm like this around him... He smiled at me, I love that smile!

"How're ya this morning Al?" He asked me.

"Just lovely, My Dear! Especially now that you are here!" Did I just say that? His face flushed a little, that's so adorable....What is happening to me?

"Uuuh...Thank you? What's for breakfast?" He said, quickly changing the subject. I gave him a plate of breakfast.

"Dear what would you like to drink?"

"Uuuuh coffee, i'll put the sugar and cream in myself." I nodded pouring a cup of coffee into a mug for him. He walked over and poured an absurd amount of cream and sugar into his perfectly good black coffee.

"Mon cher, how ever do you drink that?" He looked at me his face turning a slight pink at my words, he's just so cute! Goodness what is wrong with me nowadays?

"I uh...I dunno I just like sweet things!" He told me quickly, almost stumbling over his words.

"As much i'd love to stay with you Darling, I have a meeting with Charlie scheduled! I'll be taking my leave now, but i'd like to take you somewhere later...I'll meet you outside your room at 6:00 PM.....Oh and wear something you can get dirt on!" He nodded quickly, with that big smile that I love so much! I turn after taking my last sip of coffee to go to Charlie's office, I needed to talk to someone about how iv'e been feeling off lately so I chose my dear Charlie! I arrived in front of her office and knocked on the door, she opened quickly and smiled letting me in her office....

(Angel's POV)

I stood there like a lovestruck idiot. Did he invite me to a date? Is it even a date? It would be awkward to ask him... I squealed like a highschool girl who just got asked on her first date. I smiled to myself as I walked out of the hotel, I made a plan to go meet Cherri so I could talk about my emotions and shit. So I headed to her hideout, It wasn't real nice or big or clean like Al's place, but it was comfy. I walked in like I owned the place.

"Yo Cherri! Are ya here?" I yelled into the somewhat quiet hideout. I heard some stumbling and she was in front of me in about 30 seconds.

"Hey Angie! What did ya wanna chat about again?" She asked in a huff.

"Uhm...Feelings I guess? I dunno! My head has been messing with me for weeks! Ever since Alastor came I can't stop thinking about him! His voice, his hair, his eyes, the way he walks, even how he is so polite to everyone even though no one deserves politeness here!" Cherri looked at me for a minute or two dumbfounded, then started laughing her ass off.

"HAHA! You got one big fatass crush there!" She said between laughs.

"Don't laugh at my emotions!" I said with venom in my voice.

"Sorry Angie! All I can tell you is confess and see what happens!"

"How the fuck am I supposed to confess to the most powerful fucking demon in hell!?"

"I dunno just....Do it." I facepalmed.

"I....I'll think about it..."

"Knowing how he feels about you is better than pining for his affections!"

"I-I...I guess you're right...Thanks Sugar Tits" She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Wanna watch a movie or somethin'?" She asked. I looked at the clock, 10:05 Am

"Yea sure! But i'll have to leave soon!"

"Why?" She said, while walking to the TV

"Because i'm hanging out with Al at 6..."

"Ok!" She smiled, I know what she was thinking....She is thinking that i'm going on a date with Al...It's probably not even a date. She snickered as she put on a movie, Bambi I laughed out loud. We started watching a few movies and chatting like normal, then I left at 5 PM to go get ready for my little 'date' with Alastor, if you could even call it that... I look in my closet and think about what I should wear...

"Something I can get dirty...Hm..." I thought out loud to myself. I pulled out some short shorts and a baggy t-shirt that had an extra pair of sleeves for my second set of arms it also had a little rainbow decal stitched on the front, I put it on. I looked good in a casual kind of way. I brushed through my hair and finished just before I heard knocking on my door.

[Sorry for the lack of chapters, like I said school is a bitch. I'm going to try and get one or two chapters out during school weeks and get as many as I can out on the weekends/school breaks. I hope ya'll are enjoying this story and have a good day/night my lovely readers!]

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