Teamwork Makes The Dream Work, Kinda?(23)

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[Sorry for the long break again! Writers block got to me again! My lovely girlfriend @Juicy_Goose helped me with the ideas for this chapter! (Love you) Anyway, enjoy the chapter My Lovelies! (I know ya'll are gonna be mad at me) Hi she wanted me to put this in the chapter because she felt bad, Hi. This is @Juicy_Goose. I am currently the author's girlfriend. I am extremely sorry, I was kinda the reason this chapter was delayed. I sincerely apologize for this delay, though I do not regret it because I got to spend time with the lovely author. Love you Sadie and all of the fans that have stuck with her through this story.

(Angel's POV)

The day after the incident was hell, well as much hell as is can be in actual hell. Having to figure out how to do things without my two extra pairs of arms was especially hard. I had to stay in the room all day, because Al didn't want me to get hurt. Alastor pestered me every five minutes to see if I needed anything, if anything I needed him to come talk with me. It was so BORING. I decided I was going downstairs, No I didn't ask permission...But i'm an adult so fuck it. 

(??? POV)

Quel bastardo di un figlio, se posso persino chiamarlo così, viene a casa mia e interrompe il mio tempo con la famiglia, quindi il suo fidanzato esagerato minaccia me e mio figlio. Oh, lo troverò ... E quando lo farò sarà punito severamente.

( 01010110 01101111 01111000 00100111 01110011 POV)

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(Alastor's POV)

I was trying to convince Angel to go back up to our room when a loud crash followed by an explosion on opposite sides of the hotel...

"Al, i'm not a child I can do wh- The fuck was that?" There was loud glitchy laughter heard through the speakers of the hotel along with some noise?

".- .-.. .- ... - --- .-. / .. / -- .- -.-- / -. --- - / -... . / .- -... .-.. . / - --- / --. . - / -.-- --- ..- / -... ..- - / -.-- --- ..- .-. / ... .-.. ..- - / .. ... / -- ..- -.-. .... / . .- ... .. . .-. / - --- / .... .- .-. -- -.-.--" Husk sat up frantically and looked at us.

[Here's the translation i'm not that mean, also, warning because it flashes black and white. and maybe look around somewhere for more hints about this chapter.]

"Alastor you motherfucker! Who did you piss off? Take Angel and hide somewhere!" He said quickly. I looked at him confused but took him to our room...which was a bad decision as Vox was sitting on our bed. 



"Did I not tell you to never return to this hotel?"

"You did bu-" He suddenly stopped. I heard Angel yelp and be pulled back, away from me. I turned around and saw that awful spider that Angel has as a spider... Holding Angel with a gun up to his head...Then Vox shot his father in the head and Angel in the lower lung, then I sprang into action. Within a second Vox was on our floor bleeding out, I would finish him off later but Angel is more important right now. Angel was sat up against the doorframe, he was coughing up blood... I summoned one of my shadows.

"Get Angel a doctor. QUICKLY." It scurried off. I knelt next to Angel and gripped his hand...He looked up at me and gave me a small smile between coughs...

"H-Hey Al...If I don't m-make it out... I-I love you." He said in sputters.

"No. No. NO. You WILL live through this! I can't live without you Angel!"

"Q-Quiet B-Bambi...Y-You're bein' too l-loud." A small team of doctors rushed over, practically pushing me away. One of them started walking towards Vox I growled at him and he yelped and went back to Angel... And just like that he was rushed off to the medical wing of the hotel.

[To Be Continued...Sorry]

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