Nightmare (9)

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[I'm baccckk! Sorry my writers block got in the way pretty badly! I finally thought up a few ideas so enjoy! OH! And thank you guys so so so much for 2K reads! I love you guys so much!]

(Angel's POV)

That day we went out...Al insisted on buying me sleeping clothes. After that he want to take me back out to Mimzy's bar again...I really hope she doesn't bother us this time...We walked in and happily sat while chatting about nothing. The thirsty bitch walked over to us. 
"Heya Al~" She purred...Fucking whore...Wait that's what I am...

"Hello Mimzy Dear!" Alastor said happily paying no attention to her tone.

"What're you doing here with this shiek again?" She said with venom in her words. I could see the anger in his eyes but his smile didn't falter.

"Why we are on a date of course!" He said in a chipper voice...I felt my face flush at his words. Her anger was clearly visible on her face...Alastor didn't seem to care.

"Now would you leave so I can spend time with My Dearest Angel?" He said with slight annoyance in his voice. She huffed and walked away but I could feel her angry jealous glare burning into my back. We continued chatting happily while I was trying to ignore the staring from afar...

"Hey Al can we leave? Like go on a walk or something? I can feel Mimzy's glaring at me and I hate the feeling." I ask him quietly. He looked at me and his smile faltered for a moment but quickly went back up...Did I say something wrong?

"Of course, My Dear! I'm sorry I never thought of how you would feel staying here!" He said, standing up and holding out his arm for me. I stood up and wrapped two of my arms around his one. We walked out in silence as people watch us leave...I'm sure this is gonna be on the news tomorrow they love their stupid drama...We walked quietly all the way back to the hotel. We went to my room because Alastor's sadly doesn't have a T.V.. I had put all my 'toys' away in a box in my closet the day after we confessed. We laid on my bed watching a movie and he was holding me tight...It was like if he let go he would loose me...I fell asleep after a while...

Why is it dark...Why does everything hurt? Where am I? I look at myself and start crying when I see my bruised human body...I hear pounding on the door of the room i'm in and realize where I am...My dad was yelling at me to open the door and I cried harder only to be met with more hurtful words...


"OPEN THIS DAMNED DOOR BEFORE I BREAK IT DOWN!" After a moment he started hitting the door with something hard...When he got in the room he started beating me senseless... 

(Alastor's POV)

I had fallen asleep...He was comfortable...I woke up and saw him crying in his sleep...I shook him awake and he looked at me with wide eyes...He hugged onto me tight and continued crying on me...

"Angel Dear are you alright...?" I asked with a calm quiet voice...

"N-No..." He whispered at an almost silent level...

"Do you wish to talk about it Dearest...?"

"M-Maybe later...Just let me stay like this for a while..." 

{Timeskip brought to you by Henroin's baseball bat}

{Still Alastor's POV)

Angel told me with tearful eyes all about his nightmare and his past...I want to take it all away...I want to make him happy...I want him by my side always...I hugged him tight. I took a glance at the time, 10:02 AM...We lost track of time...

"Angel...We need to go downstairs...Look at the time..." He glanced up at the clock and we quickly got out of his bed...In a second I was in my room and I got dressed and I was back outside Angel's door. I knocked. 

"Angel Dear, are you dressed?" He opened the door in his normal wear and we walked downstairs together. Charlie's face lit up when she saw us.

"There you two are! Angel you have a visitor!" She said in her usual happy voice, gesturing to a spider demon or at least what looks like a demon that looks a bit like my Angel. He looks at her...

"Heya Angel! It's Molly." The girl said in a cheerful voice. He looked at her.

"Molly? Why are you here? You shouldn't be in hell...You never did anything bad to deserve hell..." He said walking over and hugging her tight...Charlie looked at them confused...

"Did you two know each other while you were alive?" She asked. Angel looked at her.

"This is my twin sister Molly...She is a pure soul...she'd never hurt a fly...Why is she here?" He questioned. Charlie shrugged.

"Angel! I'm going to take you on a trip! You can take someone if you want!" He looked at her for a moment.

"Al you're coming with me and, no you don't have a choice." He told me, I'm fine with that! I'd rather be with my Angel than not know where he is!

"Alright!" I said in my chipper voice. Molly stared at me for a bit, as did the rest of the hotel goers they were probably wondering why I was fine with this...After A few more words Molly dragged Angel upstairs to pack a bag and I followed behind them. I watched them walk into Angel's room and I walked to my room and had my shadows prepare me a bag.

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