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Thalia Point of view

The hunters and I were making our way to camp half-blood. I sounded our horn to tell the camp that we have arrived all the campers were at the barrier waiting for us I was smiling I can't wait to see Percy. I know I'm a hunter and I'm supposed to swear off love forever, but I can't because I'm in love with kelp head.i seen Annabeth in the crowd and seen she had been crying because you could see the dry tear marks on her cheeks I frowned at this and hugged her.  I looked at the crowd trying to find kelp head "Where's Percy "I asked, 

"He-he's missing" Annabeth choked out my eyes widened I look at the hunters and Artemis and her eyes were also widened I turned back towards Annabeth

 " WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S MISSING " tears were streaming down my face  I turned to Artemis

 " We have to find him m'lady"

 " we will " Artemis replied then Artemis and I then flashed us into the throne room. Artemis shot an arrow and called a council meeting. Every god flashed into the thrown room

 " Daughter why have you called this meeting, " Dad said to Artemis

 " Percy Jackson missing father, " Artemis said Every one of the god's eyes widened in shock " we have to find him, dad," I said 

" We will Thalia," dad said, 

" Artemis you'll lead the search to find him," dad said " will find him, " Artemis said. We were about to leave when Poseidon walked up to us "Please don't look for him.  He's a traitor." he whispered to us "WHAT" Artemis yelled. Poseidon smiled at us and said 

"You have no idea what he has done do you?"

All of a sudden Zeus looked like he was shocked.  

"Percy has been convicted of treason against the gods, with plans to overthrow us," Zeus said sitting at his throne 

"And, by a vote of the Olympian council, we will decide if you are to be killed." My eyes widened in fear, and he looked at the other gods, whose face is ranged from anger to disappointment to sadness.

"Lord Zeus, Percy has done nothing of the sort," I begged.

"Evidence shows well enough," Zeus replied.

"What evidence," I exclaimed.  

"Poseidon's perfect son has the evidence," Zeus stated angrily.

"Bring the evidence," Poseidon said.

I watched as Matt came walking up with a small file in his hand.   He handed the file to Zeus and Zeus looked at it a moment and then said

"What is this?!" 

"It's what you asked for my lord," Matt responded.  

"No, this is a letter from Perseus Jackson."

"What does it say?" someone asked.

"Dear Thalia,                                                                                                                                                                                                         I have always seen you as a strong and independent woman. Stay strong and be a good hunter. I am leaving camp since they have a new hero to look up too. Be strong Pinecone Face.

Dear Annabeth,                                                                                                                                                                                                      I am sorry I was not the boyfriend you wanted. I hope you are happy with your new boyfriend Brandon. But I have one question, why did you want me to be your boyfriend?

Lastly, to the gods,                                                                                                                                                                                                          You can say sorry, but to say sorry to me would be like covering a bullet hole with a band-aid... Breaking me again yet expecting everything to be fixed.  I just want to tell you, next time there is a war, don't expect me to come help.

-Perseus Jackson the betrayed HERO

The gods had looks of sadness and anger in their faces.  They dismissed us and I walked over to the edge of Olympus and looked at setting sun.

"Please be okay Percy," I thought.

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