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Nico Pov

Luxa made a small fire on the stones using chunks of dead vines for fuel.

"Are you sure you should be building a fire?" asked Nico, looking nervously around at the jungle.

"Take ease, Nico, the plants are harmless in this part of the jungle," said Luxa. He grilled several fish basted in plum juice. Nico thought it was the best thing he'd ever tasted. 

"It could not have been easy," replied Nico. He stopped to strip a vine of a dozen of the yellow plums. "You know Percy better than I. What manner of person would you say he is?"

"Percy?" said Nico. He tried hard to think about how to describe him. "Well, when I first met him, he seemed this powerful figure. That's when I first met him. Then we sort of became friends." It seemed so weak, his impression of Percy when he was so strong. He thought of him feeling terrible about his sister's death.  How he had constantly blamed himself for it. Being betrayed by everyone but me.  Even though he has done so much for them. How to describe Percy? "He's brave," said Nico finally. "Braver than anybody I've ever known. And I know this might sound crazy...with how he didn't come after us...but I trust him with my life."

"That does not sound crazy," said Luxa, but she smiled.

"Yes, 'The Prophecy of Death,'" said Luxa. "It has been many years since I studied it in Sandwich's room. How goes the repeating stanza?"

It was still so fresh in Nico's mind that he answered automatically.

It shall be on the day that the air turns white and gray,

An accident shall usher forth an era of harmony and the rise of a kingdom,

Luxa had him say it a few more times so she could commit it to memory. While he recited it for the fourth time, 

"Okay, it says, It shall be on the day that the air turns white and gray,'" said Gregor. "So, what's the what?"

"Presumably, the ground shall open up," said Luxa.

"We see the ground open but what would turn the air white,'" said Nico, swapping in the word. 

"'An accident shall usher forth an era of harmony and the rise of a kingdom,'" said Luxa. "I suppose that refers to the ground opening and something will usher in?"

"Yep," said Nico. 

They ate and got ready for bed. Luxa helped Aurora back to the camp. 

"Are you going to come with me to go find them?" Nico asked her.

"You might need me," said Luxa.

He thought about mentioning how dangerous it was to her, but he knew that wouldn't matter at all.

Luxa let them sleep a full eight hours. Then they had breakfast and prepared to travel the last leg of the trip back into the Labyrinth. 

"To the Labyrinth, then," said Luxa.

"Yep," Nico replied popping the p.

Time skip

When we stumbled into the center of the maze we didn't know what to expect. The voices had told Nico all through the tunnels that he was going to the fields of punishment.  But in the center was only an old man in a rocking chair, his white beard tumbling onto his knees. At the sound of her footsteps, he turned, heavy lids almost obscuring his brown eyes.  

"Ah, your, here," he said, "They said you would be here soon." Nico looked to see and there was no maze at all, no steel, no demons, nothing. Then he realized the old man wasn't moving his lips but speaking directly to his mind. 

"Now that you are here we can talk."

"Where are our friends?"

"They all made it here, but two of them left as soon as they could because they thought you were dead.  They went to chase down a monster.  And I'm sure you know which one I'm talking about."

Jayne nodded. "So who was the two."

"A boy named Gregor and a boy named Percy."

"What happened to the others."

"They are here.  You may come in here to see them if you wish."

"Yes," he said, I would like to see them."  They walked for up to the house and went inside.  The inside seemed to be made up of bones.  

"What type of bones are these?"

"Minotaur." Was all he said.  He saw Mareth, Howard, and Donar sleeping on the bed.  They sat down in some chairs and ate some soup.  This soup was impossibly good.

"So where exactly are we?" Luxa asked.

"Tartarus." I almost fainted.  The man chuckled.  

"I guess you haven't exactly had a good time down here before."

"Nope," was all he said.

Nico walked outside and was about to shadow travel when someone grabbed him from behind.

"Let me come with you."  It was Luxa. 

"Fine," was all I said.  I shadow traveled 3 miles away and sat down. 

"So, what you need?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing."

"Well, one, I was wondering how you know Percy."  Luxa looked at the ground then back at Nico.

"We worked together for a while."  I looked at her confused.


"Do you remember after the giant war how Percy disappeared for a year?"

"Yes, what does that have to do anything?"

"While Percy was gone, he worked for Artemis.  I, at the time, was a hunter of Artemis.  So we went on some adventures together that no one but Artemis knows about."

"Oh."  That was the only words that were able to get out of my mouth before he was knocked out.


When I woke up, I was locked in a cell.  I looked next to me to see Luxa was here.  I was hoping she had gotten away.  The door opened to reveal two guards.  They grabbed me and dragged me through a series of hallways.  They brought me into a throne room in front of a throne.

The chair was carved of a fine oak, crested with several jewels and decorative metals forming an elegant coat of arms. Although the seat of King was impressive, it was a mere stool compared to the throne he sought to retake.  

The being sitting upon it looked down at me with pleasure in his eyes.

"Hello, Nico Di Angelo."

"Who are you?"  I spat!  The man chuckled.

"I am Tartarus, lord of the pit.  And you are now slaves to the new master."

"And who is that master?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."  

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