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Nico POV

He moved to a spot where the light seemed strongest and found a narrow but deep stream. Along the bed, flashes of light came and went. He had seen something like this before in the crawlers' land — a stream with small volcanic eruptions on the bottom — but the bursts weren't as large or explosive as the ones before him. Nico dipped his fingers in the stream and felt the warm water roll over them.

"There are hundreds of those streams crisscrossing the jungle," he heard Luxa say behind him. "Don't step in them, don't drink from them, and try not to use your fingers for bait."

Nico jerked his hand out of the water as a set of spiky teeth snapped together in the space his fingers had just occupied. "What was that?" he asked, stepping back from the stream.

"Something that thinks you're yummy," said Luxa.

"Is that why we can't drink from them? It's too dangerous to get water?" asked Nico.

"No, the water's tainted. Drink it and you die," said Luxa.

Nico immediately went back and explained to Temp how scary the streams were so the cockroach would know to keep Boots clear of them. "Stream bad," agreed Temp.

Nico surveyed the dense tangle of vines doubtfully. "How are you going to get along in there, Aurora?" She would not be able to fly much, and travel on foot was very taxing on the bats.

"Up higher, there are places where the foliage is not so heavy," said Aurora. "I will fly above the vines when I must, and join the party when I can. Will you and your sister ride?"

Nico didn't think it would be fair to ask her to carry him. Besides, Temp wouldn't want to be left on the ground without them. "We'll just walk," he said. He lit a lamp and prepared to travel. As a backup to the lamp, he hung a flashlight from a belt loop at his waist. The big pack with the first aid supplies and oil went on his back. The smaller backpack that Mareth had filled with flashlights and stuff, he wore on his chest. 

Nico thought he was done when he felt Temp nudging him. He turned to see the cockroach holding a sheathed sword in his mouth. "Not this, forget, not this," said Temp.

Where had that come from? Nico hadn't even seen it until this moment. Solovet must have left it for him. He clumsily buckled the wide leather belt around his hips and tried to slide the sword around to the most accessible position. Somehow he ended up with it on his right hip, the tip angled forward. That seemed wrong. He finally wriggled it around to his left hip with the tip pointing behind him. Now he could grab the hilt and pull the blade out with his right hand easily.

"Worked that out, have you, boy?"

Nico looked up to find Luxa watching him. She wasn't wearing a sword, just a short knife in a sheath on her leg.

"Guess I'll find out if I have to use it," said Nico, hitching up the belt like he knew what he was doing. The sword banged awkwardly against his leg.

"How old are you, anyway?" said Luxa.

Nico thought of saying thirteen or fourteen. He was tall even if he was on the skinny side. If he were older, maybe Luxa would treat him with more respect. No, probably not.

"Sixteen," said Nico.

"Sixteen," said Luxa, and the expression on her face changed. She looked almost sad.

"I'll be seventeen real soon," said Nico. He said that as if it had some significance, but what did it mean, really? The only thing he could think of was he'd have to start paying full price at the movies. And that wasn't a very warrior-like thought. "Why?"

"I was just thinking," said Luxa.

Nico felt himself bristling again. 

There was a pause. "Keep that sword in your belt," said Luxa. "Agreed?"

Nico nodded. He took another few moments to compose himself. When he looked up, Luxa had moved away. Nico actually felt a little better. He did not want to head into the jungle at odds with Luxa.  And he had no plans to draw his sword, anyway. 

"So, shall we get going?" said Temp.

"Yes, we have lingered here too long," said Luxa. "Aurora will lead and I will go last.  Remember, step lightly and hurt nothing. And keep a close eye on your provisions."

Within a few minutes, his skin was damp with sweat and he was thinking of chopping his pants off into shorts. The straps of the packs cut into his shoulders. His nose began to run in the warm, moist air. He had never been hot in the Underland, and only cold when he was wet. Usually, the temperature was comfortable if you wore short sleeves.

The smooth carpet of moss transformed into a tricky web of roots. They popped up at various heights, and the flickering light of the streams made it difficult to judge how high to lift his foot. Nico had pretty big feet, too, for a sixteen-year-old. 

By the time Luxa called a break, Nico's clothes were soaked with sweat. Inside his boots, his socks felt squishy. A sharp pain jabbed between his shoulder blades from the heavy packs. He could've drunk the glacier water in three big gulps, but he'd decided to save the fancy bottle Mareth had put in his pack. He wanted to have some water with him.

For their resting spot, Luxa had chosen a small clearing lined on one side by a strip of mossy rocks. Nico could hear the gurgle of water nearby, but no stream was visible through the vines.  After carefully examining a spot, Nico unloaded his stuff and sank onto the ground across from them. Aurora swished down from the trees and shook off her water bags next to him. Luxa opened one and went around, letting everyone drink their fill.

Temp helped Luxa pass out bread, meat, and some raw carrotlike vegetable. Nico was not all that hungry, probably because of the heat, but he ate what was given to him. 

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