The New Prophecy

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Percy Point of View

I got woken up by guards coming in and seizing us.  Our hands are bound behind our backs.  We were led through a series of hallways.  We were escorted into a room with words all over the walls.  Gregor was convening there looking at a group of words on the wall.  I walked over and read them

When the time comes that what is red turns gold,

A confession shall cause a rise in immorality,

It shall be on the day that the air turns white and gray,

An accident shall usher forth an era of harmony and the rise of a kingdom,

When the day comes that the sky falls,

Three friends shall mark an age of abundance and the end of peace,

One of water, One of war, One of death,

Once the ground shifts,

A sudden death shall mark an end to hunger.

When the time comes,

It shall be his last breath.

I stood there staring.  I understood parts of it, but that is mean.  There's another prophecy and of course, I'm in it.   I looked at Gregor.

"What is this?"  Gregor looked at him sadly.  

"There's another prophecy, but it seems that all the people for it are already here."  Then the girl he'd saw in the sewer walked in and said

"We'll talk about it in the council room."  Then she walked out.  As we followed her out of the room, I thought about how familiar she seemed.  Wait, she was with the Hunters of Artemis.  We walked into what seemed to be the council room.  Around the table were a lot of overgrown animals.  I stood there anticipating what would happen next.  Then Luxa strolled in with a crown on her head and got the meeting started.

"There is a different prophecy that combines these three.  Will, thee tell them the prophecy please, Percy."  

"  When the time comes that what is red turns gold,

A confession shall generate a rise in immorality,

It shall be on the day that the air turns white and gray,

An accident shall usher forth an era of harmony and the rise of a kingdom,

When the day comes that the sky falls,

Three friends shall mark an age of abundance and the end of peace,

One of water, One of war, One of death,

Once the ground shifts,

A sudden death shall mark an end to hunger.

When the time comes,

It shall be his last breath."

They all sat there querying whatever it meant.  Suddenly they all were debating amidst themselves.  I just looked at them with disgust.  I looked over to Gregor and said

"Is this the great Underlandian council?  I thought they would be better than this."  

"Yeah, there not the group they used to be."  I got my bonds off and helped Gregor and Nico with theirs. 

 We just stared at them and then after hours of bickering I shouted

"JUST SHUT UP."  They just stared at him.

"You have no ri. . . " some big buff guy started.  

"We can help you understand the prophecy.  I've been through a few myself."  

"Alright," the queen said.

"Well, the first line means that some mortals are going to turn into an immortal, just like inline 2.  The three friends are Nico, Gregor and I.  Nico represents death, Gregor represents war, and I represent the sea.  There will most likely be an earthquake and one of us will die and bring you guys a time of perfection."  They looked at each other and nodded.  Luxa was about to say something when a man came running in panting.  

"There's an army of monsters and a big guy named Erebus."  My face paled.  

"You're going to need  Nico and me for this fight." 

"Alright," Luxa replied and we jogged out to the high hall.  We got on some bats.  Which was a little nerve-racking at first, but it was pretty fun.   We landed on the wall and looked at the incoming army.  

In front of us were a small army of monsters and one terrified camper. And of course, the leader of the monster army was no other than the Minotaur. I could sense the presence of a Primordial and I was ready for anything.

 Everyone was watching me see what I'd do. So I was just going walk up to the army and defeat them single-handedly right? Well, that's what my army and the rest of the campers that had shown up, though. 

There were probably 1000000 monsters plus the Primordial. This was gonna be a piece of cake. I walked up to the Minotaur and casually sidestepped his ax as it hit the spot that I was just in, and stabbed him in the back. When he disintegrated all hades broke loose. The rest of the monsters charged. 

I just waved my hand and water shot out of my palm and disintegrated about 1000 monsters. "This is too easy" I muttered as I killed another 3000 monsters. I was bored so I decided to end the battle right then.  I jumped off the wall and charged.   After killing the monsters I looked at Erebus. 

'Okay' I thought to myself, 'I can do this'. The Primordial finally showed himself. He looked a little nervous. So I decided to erase his worries. I water traveled behind him and sliced his body in half before he had even said a word. The entire battle had lasted maybe 30 minutes. I could have gone faster. I turned around and the campers were staring at me with awestruck faces. 

Then, of course, Nico had to add in a comment

 "You can do better than that." 

"I know, I'm tired," I replied. The Underlanders mouths were hanging open by now. 

"Close your mouths, you'll catch flies," Gregor said. Immediately the Underlanders mouths snapped shut. I was so hungry by then from that fight, that I could have eaten a whale.

I mist traveled up to the high hall and waited for the others.  

After waiting for about 20 minutes they arrived.  

"So, I guess you must be hungry," I saw Luxa standing there. 

"Yeah, and if you want, we can talk about what just happened."

Yes, I would very much like that."  And with that, we walked to the "lunch room"

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