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Luxa POV

"So, what'd you want to know?" Percy inquiries.  He's probably fully prepared for whatever we ask.  

"Who are you? Why do you know how to sword fight? And also, how'd you get here?" I ask, a few at a time is fine, not all the questions I need answers to, just a few for now.  Cause I already know who he is.  I'm going to talk to him later.

"I'm Percy Jackson and this is Nico.  We met at a summer camp.   It's a summer camp for.... Special kids. We climb rock walls, play capture the flag, as well as sword fighting. The cabins are themed by Greek mythology, so Mr. D, the director of camp, sorts you by personality. So the Hermes cabin has a lot of pranksters. As to how we got here, we followed Gregor through the tunnels until you guys got us. " He finished finally. That didn't answer all my questions though. I saw Vikus walk in and sits down.  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of silence Vikus spoke up.

"Why don't we go train.  I would very much like to see Percy and Nico train."  I nodded my head in agreement.  It had been a very long time since I had last seen Percy train.  Percy nodded his head and stood up.  We walked to the high hall where the bats were waiting for us.  I got up on Aurora and looked just in time to watch Percy jump off the balcony.  

I screamed. After all I've heard Percy has been through, he just jumps off a balcony? Worse, no one looked worried.  Nico was chuckling.  Why? His friend just tried to commit suicide.  So unless he learned to fly, he's dead.  Well, we have giant bats that probably save him! Of course we're not afraid of heights. Then Percy came back up on Blackjack. THANK THE GODS! I jumped off Aurora and  slapped him. With my fist. In the face. Straight on. Not a punch, just an odd slap, ok? 

"How dare you scare me like that again, ok? NEVER!" I scream, then calm down enough to realize that Nico was laughing from on top of a bat. Gregor was crying into a dark grey bat, and I was already on Aurora. Ripred looked like he was ready to run all the way to where ever we were going.

We flew over the city, my city, to the training arena.  We landed and got our weapons out.   I watched at Gregor swung around, getting a feel for the weapon.  When he seemed ready, I asked

"Gregor! You done warming up?"

"Yep," he replied, popping the p.

"Then you can demonstrate the blood balls. Thirty today." I told him, then set the blood balls up. He really should be fighting Ripred, but I wanted to show Percy first before making him do the blood balls.

I watched him hit all the balls, and then studied Percy's face. He didn't seem impressed, just bored. Huh. Interesting.

"Percy! You want to try?" He nodded, so I reloaded the blood balls. I watched in amazement as he hit all of them, and unlike Gregor, Percy seemed to be bored, not really focused, he wasn't even giving his best! Gregor must have noticed, since he walked over and just stared.

Percy POV

Luxa was looking at me like that was supposed to be hard. Was it? Didn't seem like it. Gregor was coming over. Oh, great. then he surprised me.

"Percy! Spar?" It seemed like a okay request to me, but Luxa was looking at me in pity. Did I miss something?

We circled, then Gregor... I don't know how to explain it. His eyes changed, and he suddenly had an aura of power. He stabbed first, and then we moved too fast for me even to recap. By then I was relying on instinct. All I remember is me ending up pointing my sword to his throat after disarming him, and he returned to normal.

"How did you do that? That is impossible!" Luxa stormed over and reminding me a little too much of a certain goddess of snow.

"Umm, I fought, like a normal person?" I answered, and immediately realized that Gregor going supernova wasn't something supposed to be fought. You're supposed to surrender to that type of power. Oops.

"Ripred! I know I told you to behave, but please get over here. I want you to fight Percy." Gregor shouted across the arena, like people weren't watching me already. Joy.

"Not with that sword! Not that metal!" I picked up a different sword that balanced almost as well, and we fought. Again I won.

"You, kid, are good. You sure you aren't a rager? You didn't rage though." The rat said. As we headed back, oh, I sweated so much. I don't even sweat this much with Annabeth! Stupid ADHD. As I was saying, what is a rager?

"What's a rager?" 

"A rager is a person with a special ability for fighting. They are natural borne killers and fight with a skill that takes most people years to learn."


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