Why there sunlight

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There was a terrible rumble from deep in the belly of the earth that struck fear into every living beast. Then the earth began to move as if it were a wave on the sea.

 I kept my eyes fixed on my horizon, trying to realize the enormity of what happened, to convince my reluctant brain that it had happened. The earthquake had happened.

I was so lost in thought it took a while for me to realize why the beach looked so strange, so abnormally large. The surf had drawn back hundreds of meters, the abandoned sand shining pale and bright.
And that could only mean one thing. I scanned the horizon, desperately hoping I was wrong.
Then I saw it, the blue line on the horizon.

'Tsunami,' I breathe.

Percy put his hand up to stop it.  But the wave just kept on coming.  I ran away.  I ran until I saw Sandwiches home and stopped.  I looked behind me to see if Percy had followed.

I heard the tsunami wave crash louder than the explosions in the quarry and the water washed in. The power of a nuclear-blast shockwave. 

 All I saw was water washing up toward me.  But it stopped well short of me and resided.   When the wave retreated I walked down the mountainside, the occasional cry from a gull wheeling above was the only break in an otherwise oppressive silence. The land now smelled just like the beach, all that salt seeping into the land. All around were household items: teapots, kettles, toasters, chairs, and computers. Every one of them oozed sea-water, saturated and broken. All these things we "needed" from the stores were now just hunks of metal and yet we had to be glad that our hearts beat in our chests and that our bones weren't as cold as those scattered appliances. The homes that still stood were beyond repair, the walls leaning and roofs gone. 

Why were these things here?  Then I looked up and saw the light.  Sunlight.  That can't be right. 

I looked more closely to notice that there was a large hole in the Underland to the Overland.  Water from the sea was pouring in.  In very large amounts.  The Underland was going to fill up if we didn't stop it.  Then I looked away and jogged back to ask them to help me find Percy.

 I ran the rest of the way to the hut and entered.

"Guys, I need your help!"

"Calm down, what happened?"

"Tsunami, Percy stayed."

"Well, let's go look for him."  They stood up and we ran back to the disaster site.  

Howard POV

 All around were household items: teapots, kettles, toasters, chairs, and computers. Every one of them oozed sea-water, saturated and broken. All these things we "needed" from the stores were now just hunks of metal and yet we had to be glad that our hearts beat in our chests and that our bones weren't as cold as those scattered appliances. The homes that still stood were beyond repair, the walls leaning and roofs gone.  

It was terrible.  I walked down the hill and started calling out Percy's name.  

After searching and yelling for hours we found him. Just barely alive.  

Gregor rushed forward to Percy as he fell face forward straight towards the ground. He caught him an instant before he crashed to the ground and gave a gasp of shock at just how quickly his arms and legs were drenched and soaked in blood. Mortal blood.

And all because he wanted to protect them.

Tears began crawling down his face as he tenderly put a hand on his chest and tried to heal him. He was surprised when Percy's hand closed around his wrist.

"Guys..." Percy whispered, his eyes fluttering open to stare into his own.

"Percy, stay still. I can-I can heal it." Gregor said, even though he knew it wasn't true.

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