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Percy Point of view

I just finished a quest with Nico and Thalia to gather some godly items for the Gods, we don't know why though but they said that we shouldn't worry about it.

 Anyways, I was walking towards the Athena cabin to tell Annabeth I'm back from my quest and give her a present. I knocked on the door and waited.

5 minutes have passed.

I knocked on the door a couple of times then it finally swung open. Annabeth didn't Answer though. It was her half-brother, Malcolm.

P-Percy! Get!... Back from the quest? Malcolm stuttered.

"Kind of, So what brings you to the Athena cabin?" He replies.

"Uh, yeah? Surprised?" I asked with a smirk.

"I'm looking for Annabeth, to tell her I'm back from my quest and to give her a gift," I said smiling, holding out a mini-present box I made.

In the present was a necklace that I made, it had grey and sea-green beads with an Owl and Trident in the center.

Aphrodite helped me a bit with it but I made everything, she just gave me a few tips.

Hephaestus helped me make the beads, he forged the Silver owl and Silver trident,

Apollo gave me advice on girls, but Artemis just slapped him and told me to be myself and do what I usually do.

"Oh, I'll tell her you're back from your quest and give her the necklace you made for her," Malcolm replied in a nervous voice.

"Nah, I'll hand it to her myself. Thanks anyway." I said with a smile.

"WAIT!!! I don't think that... You want to see Annabeth.." He said nervously.

I raised my eyebrow at him and asked, "And why would I not want to?"

"Well, because.." Malcolm just frowned. "I'm sorry Percy. If you want to know, go to the beach at sunset, believe me, You won't like it. I'm sorry."

"Uh, okay?"

Later that day I walked to the beach, the beach was always one of my favorite places at camp Half-blood. I was wondering why everyone was avoiding me and staring at me. When I got to the beach, I saw a couple. I just guessed it was an Aphrodite girl with a boy, Boy was I wrong.

I looked closer and saw that it was Annabeth and some boy, worse of all, They kissed!

I realized that I had the necklace I made for Annabeth in my hand. I looked at it, then at Annabeth. I couldn't believe my eyes. I took a step back and there was a 'snap!" sound. Oops. I stepped on a branch. Annabeth and the boy turned to me. Annabeth was still holding hands with the boy. I realized that the boy was Matt.

" What the hell Annabeth" I shouted, 


"What it looks like is your cheating on me with my F****** HALF BROTHER!" I shouted Annabeth just looked down at the ground with tears in her eyes and said 

"I'm so sorry Percy please forgive me" 

"Did you think I would let this slide?" I said tears now streaming down my face " I guess your right  Annabeth, children of Poseidon, and Athena don't mix."  I threw the necklace and ring at her feet and ran to my cabin. I packed a bag and wrote a note. I had no plans of coming back anytime soon a walked out of my cabin and ran to Thalia's tree I put my hand on the tree and looked back at camp half-blood the place that was once my home but is no longer. I took my hand off off Thalia's tree and ran to my mom's apartment.  

I finally made it to my mom's apartment and knocked. When I knocked the door opened slightly " Mom" I said entering the living room I made my way to the bedroom and opened the door the sight was horrible. There were my mom and Paul laying there dead on the bed with stab wounds. I started crying at the sight. I have no one now.  I sat there and cried.  I looked at them one last time and screamed

"I will have revenge!!!  I swear on Chaos!" And with that, I went out of the apartment.

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