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A/N- Early update!😄

I get my handbag and shut my office door as I was already done for the day. I got outside the office building and saw almost all our models and a few of our office staff waiting outside as they chatted animatedly with each other.
I needed to know what was happening, so I tapped Sharron the office chatterbox 'in a good way' not the gossip type' I like Sharron 'cause she's a total goofball and so lovable.

"What's going on? Why is everyone still here?" I asked.
"Hey, the coolest boss in the world... Not that your dad wasn't cool... Never mind you get what I mean." She tried explaining but decided to quit.
I told you she's a total goofball.

"The thing is Maddie decided to treat everyone to a bar cause according to her, it's Friday and we all deserve to have fun. I obviously cannot say no to free drinks." She concluded while smiling widely.
"Oh well enjoy, I will leave you all to it. I'm too tired to party or drink anything." I waved Sharron goodbye as I went toward the lot when Maddie's voice stopped me right in my tracks.

"Leaving already Lettie? You're too cool to hang out with the staff now?" Maddie questioned with a sneer but when she realized how bitter her statement sounded, she covered it with a fake smile.

When will she stop being a fake?

"Oh...," I said like I suddenly realized she was referring to me. " I wouldn't want to intrude in your little get together." I flashed her a fake smile too. Two can play a game.
"You would not be intruding, I insist you tag along," Maddie said.
"I can't..." I started to say but Sharron interrupted me.
"Come on Leticia, we really would love you to come. It'll be fun, I promise."
"You see... Everyone wants you to come. Or you want to chicken out like you always do when it's time to make major decisions?" Maddie commented snidely.

No one calls me a chicken and not in front of my workers and associates. Whatever you are playing at Maddie, Game on!

"Of course I would love to come. I'll meet you all there." I shot everyone a fake smile and walked towards my car.
Immediately I got into my car the only thing I could think of was 'Shit! What have I gotten myself into?'

For the past hour, I have been nothing but a killjoy. I have declined five guys a dance, two drunk guys a blow job and an old man who wanted a sex talk... Ewww.
So in order not to feel too left out, I decided to text my two favorite girlfriends in the world a save me please message, the address of the club, and to come quick.

Twenty minutes later I see Brie and April rush in as they scanned the club for me. April spotted me first and tapped Brie who was still searching the bar. Once Brie noticed me, they both started walking towards me.

"We came as soon as we got the message. What's wrong? Hold up... What are you even doing in a club? I thought you vowed to never come to the club after the last incident?" April questioned at once.

The reason why April was so worried was 'cause during our last year in college, we went to a club to celebrate our last night as college students. That night I almost got raped, I was lucky cause April felt that it was weird that I haven't been back from the restroom since I left so she decided to check up on me to ensure I was alright, except that I wasn't because she found me struggling with my attacker. Luckily for me, the guy was so focused on forcing me out of my undies that he didn't notice the pepper spray or when she used it on him.

I will forever be grateful to April, she was my angel in disguise. Ever since that experience, I vowed never to set my foot into a club. Too bad I broke my vow cause of Maddie's annoying convincing skills.

I then launched into the story of how Maddie roped me into coming here leaving out all our hated glares because April doesn't know how sour our relationship is. When I finished Lettie sighed, but April started talking.
"Why didn't you tell Maddie about your rape incident so she can understand your reluctance to come here? I mean who comes to the same club that they almost got raped? Only insane fucking Lettie." April said muttering an Italian curse under her breath.

She was really mad at me and I knew it. She was raped by her uncle until she was sixteen. She ran away from her home country Italy and never looked back, except that I see the hurt in her eyes anytime Italy is mentioned. She's the oldest amongst us and at such feels a bit protective. April now a successful owner of and chef. She has tried to put the past behind her but has refused to let anyone into her life.

Did I just say she hasn't allowed anyone? Well, any guy except for one. Ryder a food critic and food photographer who is also one of our college buddies. She likes him but refuses to go for him.
Deciding to avert all of the questions I decided to smartly deviate from the topic of discussion and ask about him.

"How is Ryder doing?" I ask, wriggling my brows.
"I know what you're trying to do but I'll let you this time. Ryder is good, he's touring Korea and will be back next week."
"Just ask the damn guy out. I know he feels the same way cause of how he looks at you. Take the bull by the goddamn horns."
"That's too much swear for you, young lady. You're getting a time out." She laughed as she went to get herself a drink, carefully avoiding the topic at hand.

I turned to Brie in order to continue my operation 'torment my friends with their love interest.'
"So when are you going to accept that Chris is the love of your life?" I wriggled my brows at her.
"I rather jump off a cliff than accept that best friend stealer. I used to be the only best friend but now I have to share with that moron." She hissed and waved her hand in dismissal of the topic in question.
I laughed at her smart action. Suddenly it felt good to be here cause it doesn't matter where you are, what matters are the people you share the moment with.

            * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Do you know what they say about bad decisions? Well, I will definitely love to educate you. The thing about bad decisions is that you take them in series... Or should I rather say sequence?

All I know is that from the moment I accepted Maddie's decision to come to sit at her table with her friends I knew I have started my sequence of bad decisions. Nobody knew how to push my buttons and make me act on a whim better than Maddie, so I knew sitting on her table was not just a bad idea, it was a terrible idea. But in my defense, I didn't want April to know how bad our relationship was.

Maddie started teasing me about not taking alcohol and how much of a chicken I was for not accepting her friend's drinking contest game. She teased me so bad that I didn't know when I yelled at the barman.
"Get me a vodka and get me the strongest. Make it five shot glasses for me."
April and Brianna tried to protest but I shut them up by pulling the 'I'm a big girl' card.

After my second shot, I started to feel tipsy and I was saying things to Maddie but I couldn't make out what I was saying.
By my fifth shot, I felt myself slipping into oblivion until I felt everything fade.

I woke up to a blinding light and a massive hangover. When sleep fully cleared from my eyes, I met Brie concerned eyes, I almost smiled at her until I met April's angry stare.

Right then I thought ' What the hell did I do last night 'cause April looks like she's about to dish it out to me.'

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