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"Look what the cat dragged in. Wow! You suddenly remember that you still have a family." Maddie acidly said immediately I entered the house. It's like she was waiting for me to enter.
"You and I both know that I left the house because of you." I snapped back.

She always makes it seem like I was the one who abandoned my family. When I noticed that Maddie simply hated being around me, as soon as I was old enough to move out, I did. It helped that April and Brie wanted us to get an apartment together so I wasn't lonely. Mom and Dad were really sad that Maddie and I couldn't work out our differences, I was sad too but staying in the house was impossible. I felt like I was slowly becoming so bitter, I decided that leaving the house would be the best for my mental health.

"Whatever. I'm going out anyway, I can't breathe the same air with a virus like you." Maddie walked out and slammed the door hard to make a statement. Not that I care anyway. I mean her leaving just made breathing easier and the air considerably lighter.
I even felt like adding 'Same here bitch.'

Wondering how we got here? Well, apparently when my parents came back and they decided that it's time we have our usual family time which lasts for three days, enough time for me and Maddie to want to kill each other. I just tolerate it every year 'cause of Dad and Mom. This rift between Maddie and I drove a wedge between us. Since Maddie lives in the house with them, I avoid coming to the house as much as possible. Then whenever she travels out of the state for her photo shoots, either I'm very busy or my parents are very busy, so there is usually no time to bond.

Since my parents called that we'll be having the family time this week Friday to Sunday, I became really depressed and sad that Liam noticed.

"Lettie love, what are you thinking of? You've been looking sad since you got that call from your mom. Liam asked while kissing my nape of my neck slowly. I was so aroused right now but Liam and I agreed not to have sex till we get married, that's if we get to that stage but Liam was positive that I'm the one for him, not that I'm complaining. It's just that all the guys I have ever dated had commitment issues.

"Stop doing that right now," I said turning a bit 'cause I was sitting in between his legs and resting on his chest meaning I was backing him. I placed my fingers on his lips and said, "Else you want me to jump you right now." I joked.

The look on Liam's face was so priceless as he stopped kissing my neck looking so shocked. The joke was most certainly worth it.

"I was just kidding. Oh my gosh, you should have seen the look on your face. You really can't take a joke." I said leaning back into him.
After sometime Liam resumed kissing my neck, meaning he was over his shock.

"Why did you look so shocked? Does the idea of me jumping you scare you so much?" I asked.
Liam stopped kissing my neck and sighed heavily, "It's just that you're this calm person, like you don't even like showing emotions. So you saying you are going to jump me is actually very surprising."

I pursed my lips, then I turned back very slowly, facing Liam fully. I pushed him on his back slowly and smirked, "I'm coming in hot baby, so pucker up." I slowly lowered lowered myself as I started kissing him on his lips, things escalated quickly as we started kissing each other like rabbits on heat. Soon we rolled from the sofa to the floor and kept on kissing each other, Liam trailed his fingers from my exposed lower back. I shivered slightly, and pressed myself more on him.

"You just know the right things to do." I moaned as I breathed heavily.
"With you, it just comes naturally." He said and continued kissing me.

Liam rolled me over and at such he was the one on top. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he settled on top of me. As we were kissing I felt Liam's hard length digging the lower part of my abdomen from his pyjamas. I paused and looked at it as my eye widened from the size, even from the pyjamas it appeared really huge.
Liam noticed my nervousness and also that I was staring at his hard on, don't blame me people, I'm a twenty-six year old virgin because I don't believe in sex before marriage, I'm not a prude or anything but I don't want to have sex before marriage and I'm so happy Liam feels the same way unlike my previous relationships where I always felt pressured.

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