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What I've been doing for the past one week is to be moping around. I'll check my phone and become devastated when I see that Liam still hasn't called. I mean Liam used to call for almost anything and everything. Like one time when he called to ask if I picked up two coffee latte, like he already knew I always picked up two, he later confessed that he just wanted to know if I was alright.

Or the time he called to asked if we still had A4 papers in the office, like he was literally with me in the office.
So for someone who always calls everyday not to call for a week, at least to know if I'm still breathing. I said he should think of it, that doesn't mean he should totally shut me out.

For the past one week I have been moping, Brie and April let me do my thing like binge watch sappy movies, cry, pig out, but this week Monday they ganged up against and made me go back to work, that is the fashion industry.
Everyone welcomed me wholeheartedly, while throwing 'I miss you' and 'welcome back', honestly it made me a tad bit better.

When Chris saw me, he enveloped me in a hug.
"I heard what happened." He smiled sadly.
"Which part?" I questioned suddenly curious about what he heard.
"Everything," When he sees my questioning glance he added, "Brie filled me in. I'm so sorry you had to work as a p.a in order to stand up to your sister. Honestly, I was a bit disappointed when I heard that it was Liam 'cause I have worked with him twice and he's a really nice guy. At least you finally told him the truth. I'm proud of you." He said, hugging me tighter. Like he was offering me a comfort shield. Honestly I truly appreciated it.

"Brie is such a tattle-tale. Since when did you and Brie make up, that she's telling you all her secrets and mine too?" I grumbled, looking suspiciously at Chris.
He blushed slightly and mummured something and walked away like his pants were on fire. There's something they are not telling me, and trust me I'll find out.

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"Ahn, I knew that something was suspicious." I declared triumphantly, when I found Chris and Brie making out in the closet. They quickly disentangled and looked at me with guilty expression.
" you can continue, don't stop at my expense. Love is beautiful, and I never needed to know that my two best friends started going out. I mean, I'm not that important so I don't need to know," Brie started shaking her head in disagreement and opened her mouth to explain but the only thing she could manage to say was, "We never wanted to hurt you."
"What am I? A procelain doll? I would have been happy for you guys, I mean I always tried to match-make you both since college. Did anything change?" I asked a rhetorical question as I glanced up, after sometime I faced them, "I can't do this right now." I shook my head and walked away. I was so hurt, how could they not tell me?

I was in my office for two hours before Brie entered, she probably waited  for two hours thinking that I wasn't angry anymore, well she has another thing coming.

"I'm still mad at you, no rather I'm still furious at you. You've got two minutes to explain yourself." I declared.
"We really wanted to tell you but you've been sort of a recluse since you and Liam stuff happened," She muttered, but when she noticed my angry stare didn't lessen she quickly added, "We really wanted to tell you Lettie, believe me." She said, and she looked at me pleadingly. I didn't even have the strength to be mad again.
"I forgive you," She was about to hug me but I held my hand up signifying that there was a condition, "Only if you tell me the juicy details." I said in the best announcer voice. Brie nodded vigourously as she finally hugged me.

She then launched into details, how one day they started arguing and Chris asked her why she hates him so much and she yelled back that she doesn't, she was just trying to suppress the feelings she had for him. When she realized what she said, she tried to take it back but Chris was not having it, he kissed her senseless and she didn't have much resistance after. The next day he asked her to be his girlfriend, and no big surprise there, she said yes.

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