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A/N- I was listening to this song above when I was editing this chapter.
Who agrees with me that this song is a nice jam?
You can listen to 'Nice to meet ya' by Meghan Trainor ft Nicki Minaj while reading this chapter.

"Lettie do you remember the man who wanted to have his daughter's destination wedding at one of our resorts in Dubai?" Liam asked one day when we were having our lunch in the office.
"Yes... Yes, I remember." I nodded my head.
"Well he has invited the both of us to the wedding. The wedding will be taking place this weekend. He said to bring you with me and I want to take you as my plus one since you have no one to go with." He said as a matter of fact.

"Who told you I have no one to go with?" I said while raising my brows in question as I continued, "I may want to go with with your brother Chris, he adores me, plus he's hot. Nothing to lose right?" I teased.
"You don't think I'm hot?" Liam asked, pretending to look hurt.
"You are just a regular guy next door kind of hot. Like you are not screaming hot but you are not screaming ugly though. Something like the best of both worlds." I said while smirking.

"You don't say." Liam muttered dryly.
This caused to to laugh really loud, after two minutes of non-stop laughter, I finally pulled myself together.
"I'm sorry for that, I don't usually take pleasure in people's agony." I apologized, not feeling sorry at all.
"Laugh away. Don't hesitate because of me." He utters in the most sardonic voice.
"I was just kidding Liam. You are really handsome. Just wanted to rattle your cage a bit." I smile.
"So you think I'm handsome?" He quipped.
"Everyone says your handsome, even the tabloids said one time and I quote ' the most alluring billionaire.' The writer even said you emit handsome rays to the entire galaxy, which if you ask me is a bit of exaggeration but who cares anyway? So if you have these much people who view you in this light and manner, why bother with my opinion?" I questioned.

" 'cause your opinion matters to me." He shrugged nonchalantly.
"Why though?" I press further.
"It just does okay." He said a bit sharply, signifying 'let's drop this topic please.'

I gestured the whole zipping my mouth and throwing the key away. Liam is rarely snappy, so I decided to let it go.

"Stop being overly dramatic Lettie, just ask what you want to ask right now. You'll keep giving me guilty glances if you don't." He sighed again probably tired of my charades. Trust me, I am tired of my myself.

"Okay. Why aren't going with your girlfriend as your plus one? Why isn't Chris tagging along?" I rushed to ask him before he changes his mind.
"Well about Chris, he's busy with something so he can't come," Liam said, not even sounding convincing one bit but I let it go. "Then as for Amber, I called her but her number wasn't going through, it just kept going to voicemail. Then I decided to call her p.a who told me she traveled to Spain for a shoot, but something feels fishy," He paused and placed his chin in thought, while I held my breath. I knew for a fact that Amber is still in the country, she's probably switched off her phone thinking I went back on my promise and told Liam. She just took the coward way out.

Liam just shook his head like he was shaking the thought away, "Something doesn't feel right but it's okay. Anyway, I honestly want to go with you, lesser drama and all that." He smiled.
"Well... I'll be delighted to go with you." I smiled back.
This is hopefully going be the best weekend of my life.

              * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"So what do you think of the whole arrangement for the wedding? Do you think the staff gave the best?" Liam asked for my opinion as he twirled me on the dance floor.

Honestly, the wedding has been amazing so far. Liam's staff at the resort in Dubai really went all in. We've been here for two days and honestly I've had the best time ever. The food has been spot on, the resort room has been so amazing as comfortable, too comfortable you ask be, but I'm most certainly not complaining either, this was supposed to be a mini vacation for me. I'm so happy to see the couple and the parents of the bride and groom smiling because everything is going so well and to see their children found love with each other.

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