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"Come on Lettie, you can't quit over this minor thing. If it helps, we are never going out to have lunch again. We..." He was saying but was interrupted by me.
"Yeah... We are not having lunch together again because I quit." I turned away my face from his so that he doesn't see the tears that went rogue and slipped down my cheeks but trust Liam to always be aware of every single detail.

He turned my face back to his, and used his pinky finger to wipe my tears in the most solemn manner or if I may, the most sexual manner. I blaming my delusion on how sad I feel right now.
"Your tears say you don't want to go too, so why are you going against your wish?"
"It's because we don't always get what we want. Sure, I've had so much fun working with you for the past two months and trust me it's has been amazing, you have the most amazing personality."
"I really appreciate that you think I'm amazing, but I don't see how this has to do with you leaving?"
"Come on Liam... Don't make it harder than it already is." I groaned and buried my face in my palms.

Liam pried my fingers one by one away from my face and said, "Look at me Lettie, " Looking at Liam was a huge mistake because I saw how sad his eyes were and I just want to continue crying, but somehow I manage to shake my head telling him I still haven't changed my mind.

Liam releases my hands and used his right hand to run through his hair in frustration as he groaned, "Lettie you are my shot of normalcy and I don't want to trade that for anything. You've grown so much on me from your 'coffee helps in the morning mantra', to your making fun of the weird thing I have with shoes, even down to your poker story. I want you to stay Lettie. I trust you." He finished. He just had to go and say the last sentence.
"You shouldn't." I croaked bitterly.
"Shouldn't do what?" He craned his neck.
"Shouldn't trust me. For all you know I may just be an assassin trying to hunt you down." I spat out bitterly.
"Well, you are not." He argued.
"How are you sure?" I yelled.
"I just know okay! I just know! Even if me trusting you seems foolish, I'll still do it anyway." He sighed.

Another batch of tears brimmed in my eyes, and I picked up my bag and tried to hurry out of the office when Liam's voice stopped me.
"If you leave, I'll sue." Liam threatened.
Immediately Liam said that my heart thumped in my chest.
"Sue on what grounds?" I questioned in confidence even though I wasn't feeling confident one bit.
"You leaving without proper notice." He said, which effectively brought my heartbeat down. This is why I needed to leave. I'm living in constant fear of what if Liam finds out?

"Since when did that become a thing?" I raised my brows suspiciously.
"If you actually read the staff's handbook, then you know it's always been a thing."

I remembered the big handbook Liam gave me when I started working here and how I skimmed through it and decided that I didn't want to torture my brain. So I dumped the book.

I burst into laughter and said, "I can't even lie. I didn't read that stuff, because it was way too bulky. Felt like I was back in school and I'm sure the reason I worked my ass so hard in school was so that I never have a reason to go back again."
Liam walked to where I was at the door and held my hand solemnly, "This is what I don't want you to go. Your honesty is what I really like about you. Others may lie they read it, so I don't get offended but you didn't."
I turned my face away from him again, "I have some really huge secret and trust me it's not pretty. I really don't want you to get hurt."
"Then tell me what it is. Trust me you'll feel unburdened."
I faced him with pain in my eyes, "It's not that I don't want to but I'm not ready yet. I'm so scared that you're going to hate me."
The next thing Liam said shocked me. "Then don't tell me. If you can't, then don't."
"You are aware that the reply wasn't normal at all. Most people always want to find out what the other person is hiding." I said looking so puzzled.
"I believe from the moment you found out that I hate wearing shoes in the office that normal was far away from me." He grinned.
"True... You probably hit your head as a baby and developed all these weird quirks." I said returning his grin.
"So what do you say? Do you still want to work for a CEO who probably hit his head as a baby?"
"Well..." I started saying as I saw Liam's hopeful eyes. "I wouldn't want a lawsuit would I?"
"So does that mean you are staying?"
"Yeah... I mean a lawsuit would look bad for my reputation. I already have the poker thing and..." I didn't even finish my statement when Liam swooped me for a hug and spun me around with him. He didn't just end there, he proceeded to peck me on my both cheeks.
"Careful or I may just think that you are falling in love with me." I teased Liam.
He smirked, "And what makes you think it's not true?"

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