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"I said I knew, Lettie." He muttered.
"Why didn't you say anything?" I gasped. "Oh my gosh, I feel like such a fool. I made a fool out of myself." I shook my head slowly.
"It's something huge Lettie, if you wanted to tell me or if it was so easy to tell me, you would have told me. I thought 'cause you haven't told me, it meant you weren't ready to. How would you have felt if I sprang it on you and said, 'hey, I know who you are.' I was just wondering by the way, what are you doing? It would have made me a douchebag."

"How did you find out? I know I haven't made any public appearance since I became a CEO, and before that I wasn't big on the whole media thing. So how? We haven't met before, I'm very certain."
"I can assure you that you are very wrong about that." He shook his head like he was so sure that he has met me before.

I placed my hand on my chin and recounted all my experiences since I became CEO, and I couldn't remember anytime I ran into Liam.
I didn't even know who he was facially until the whole bet thing happened, and I browsed him out.

"I'm positive. I can't remember meeting you."
He shook his head and smiled, "I don't know if you can remember but I met you at a banquet. You were the girl that was looking so confused that day at the gala, you..." He was saying, when he was interrupted by me.
"You were the one that tired my shoelace and held my hand till I found my parents?" I gasped.

Liam smiled widely, "You remember?"
I bobbed my head quickly, and smiled back forgetting the akwardness about the whole kiss thing.
"Of course I do. It was when that silly older sister of mine left me, claiming she was too cool to be seen with me, and then this nice kid walks up to me and offers to tie my shoelace and hold my hand till I find my parents so I don't get lost and scared. Of course I have to remember such a lovely memory. Wow! You are even hotter than before," I blushed when I suddenly realized that I said that out loud, and I attempted to rephrase my statement, "What I mean is, you most certainly look good." I corrected myself.

"Thank you. That day, I saw when your sister pushed you away, and how your lips trembled but what caught my young mind was no matter how shabby your sister treated you that day, you didn't shed a tear. Sure, you looked like you wanted to cry but you held yourself better than any ten-year old I have seen, and my twelve-year old was actually fascinated. See, I actually know you. This is one of the reason why we think we'll be good together. Please, just give me a chance." He pleaded as he looked at me hopefully.

Then the reality of things came back hitting me in the face, making me remember the situation at hand.

"I'm sorry but honestly you don't know me. You think you do but you don't. Simply staying with me when I was ten years old for less than two hours doesn't guarantee you know me. Plus you just ended a relationship, so it's wrong to enter another one barely three days after you ended one. Despite the fact that you knew who I was when I came to your office, and the reason why I did what I did, that doesn't make what I did nice." I concluded.

Liam looked like he wanted to say something but I held my hand up, "Please if you truly want to be with me, you'll give it a rest."
Liam bent his head and used his hands to support his head, then he massaged his head slightly with his hands. I felt so bad for causing him so much pain but I don't want anyone getting hurt.

Liam rose up slowly and started walking slowly towards my door, while I secretly pleaded in my heart that he doesn't walk away from me forever. It felt like he heard thoughts as he paused at the door and turned to face me, "How long do you think you need?" He asked.
I shook my head and smiled sadly, "It's actually how much time you need. Do you still want to be with someone who didn't tell you the truth for three months?" I asked, hoping secretly that he would say yes.

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