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"How...how... did you find out?" Mom asked. In my inner thoughts, I was like that's not what you're supposed to be saying mom, or wait, she isn't actually my mom.

"When I was eight years old and you told me join you to search for a particular document, then when I was searching, I stumbled upon adoption papers. I was so scared that I was the adopted one and that's why you people always loved Lettie more than me. I couldn't check the name on the papers 'cause you were around but after  you found the document you were looking for and left for the office, I sneaked back in and checked the name and discovered it was Lettie's." She finished while giving me the stink eye.

"What's going on here? Mom? Dad?" I glanced at the both of them to offer me an explanation. Tears trailed freely down my cheeks as Liam attempted to console me by placing my head on his chest, but I wasn't having any of that right now.

Mom walked away slowly and unsteadily, she looked like she was about to faint. Dad looked very pissed. The thing about Dad is that he never raises his voice, whenever Maddie is being aggressive towards me, Dad just comes to my room to console me after. He offers me lots of chocolates and gets me lots of stuff. Dad hates confrontation, it's just who he is. Which is why he got 'The coolest CEO' award for thirty years straight up, but I saw Dad lose his cool and yelled at Maddie for the first time.

"Meredith Avery Brown! How dare you say such things without asking first? Do you know the story behind everything? You are very insensitive and a bitter person. I've watched you drive a wedge between Lettie and us. She moved out because of you, she avoids coming here like a plague because of you. When did you become so bitter young lady?" Dad shook Maddie as he talked.

"I hate you all. Nobody loves me at all. You love Lettie more than you love me, and she isn't even your daughter!" Maddie yelled while forcefully removing herself from Dad's grip.
"You little..." Dad angrily said as he raised his hand as if to slap Maddie. Maddie closed her eyes in fear, but Dad brought his hand down. I knew he wasn't going to hit her.

"Leave it dear. I think it's time I explained everything," Mom said, while entering the dining room with a paper in her hand, "This is the paper you saw right?" Mom questioned.
Maddie nodded her head in affirmative.
Mom smiled a bit, "If you've just let it out instead of bottling it in, you would have saved yourself from much unnecessary hate."

Maddie scrunched her brows in confusion, "What do you mean unnecessary?"
"Meaning that Leticia is your sister blood wise and all."
"Not just on paper? Then... then... How do explain the adoption papers?" Maddie stammered, looking very confused. I was also confused 'cause you can't adopt a child that's yours, or can you?

"Well, here's the full story. When I was pregnant with Lettie, I went for antenatal and the doctor discovered that unlike your pregnancy I couldn't carry Lettie full term, so I was advised to look for a surrogate early. I had limited options and I was lost on what to do, but my good friend Melody came to my rescue, may her soul rest in peace. She was willing to help me, then she did a check up and thankfully she was perfect to carry the baby. During the eighth month, Melody read something up and she advised me to adopt my baby legally immediately after birth. She said she read that after birth, the surrogate can claim a baby or her family and her family according to her weren't the best set of people. They'll love to have the baby if anything happens to her during childbirth, and it'll be to mooch off me. I think Melody knew she wouldn't make it 'cause everyday she kept reminding me not to forget. While she was entering the theatre, she made me promise to do it. When I heard Melody didn't make it, I was heartbroken and I hated myself. But when I saw you," Mom said smiling at me widely and caressing my cheeks before she continued her narration, "I knew Melody came back to me for the second time. When you smiled at me from your court that day, I fell in love with you. I did as Melody said, and I was so lucky I did 'cause like Melody said, her family came for the baby but I already had legal documents proving that I already adopted her. I was so hurt by Melody's death, everyday I thought to myself, what if I never allowed her carry the baby? She'll probably be alive till now. Which is why I never revealed the story behind Lettie's birth. I'm sorry for never telling you this Lettie. It's just that I never fully got over the guilt. I'm sorry." My mom apologized as she fell on her knees crying.

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