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A/N- The next update will be next week Wednesday.

"Are you a hundred percent certain that if he should look me up he wouldn't find anything?" I straightened my skirt as I prepared for the interview for the post of a personal assistant at Liam's company.

I kept asking Brie if the guy she said she knows wiped all traces of me being the CEO of Tres Belle Fashion Industry.

"I'm a hundred and fifty percent certain that nothing will come up or do you need to confirm right now?"
"Never mind I trust you besides I don't want to get there late. You know being early is the first step towards getting the job says the tutorial I watched yesterday." I laughed.

"What is the second step?" She laughed at me.
"Less dressing like a slut more dressing like a pro. Wish me luck?" I said, getting to the apartment door.
"I wish you luck and I hope you charm his pants off," Brie said literally but not literally as she wriggled her brows showing the double meaning behind her statement.

"Get your mind out of the gutter chica." I sassed.
"Just wishing you luck. I mean no harm and I totally come in peace." She feigned innocence as she raised her hands in a surrender form.
"Thanks, babe. I got to get this over with because my vacation house is at stake."
"I really hope you get the job," Brie said as she waved me goodbye.
I waved her bye and murmured an 'I hope so too.' This was the best shot and I got to give it my best.

          * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The traffic jam was much that I was so glad that I left early cause I arrived at the company at a record time. At least I took one of my cars so I wasn't too uncomfortable. I wanted to take the shuttle but Brie said there was nothing wrong with taking one of my cars. I would be overdoing the whole thing if I took the shuttle.

I parked my car in the general lot and whispered a little prayer to God. I wasn't sure if praying in this situation was the best but I believed that God understood my plight right now. I came out of the car and walked towards the company's building. When I reached instead, I saw the receptionist and asked where the interview for the post of a personal assistant will be holding. She told me, so I entered the elevator to the twenty-fifth floor. Yeah... In case you are wondering, the building is a high rise building.

When I got there two other girls were there already but their dressing made me wonder whether I was at the right place. Little piece to almost no piece of clothing. I almost slapped my forehead in frustration, come on ladies! It's a job interview not a clubhouse or strippers club. Well the remaining twenty girls that came after me some dressed professionally and some dressed worse than the first two girls. Well, that's their business, I'm here for the job, not their dressing.

When my name was called, I stood up promptly and walked towards the CEO's office. Before I knocked I took a deep breath in order to calm my erratic heart from beating too fast. I finally knocked and heard a deep baritone say ' you may come in.'

I promised myself that I wouldn't squeal or hyperventilate when I see the CEO because I've done that bit with April and Brie yesterday when we were checking the company up for any relevant information I might need for the interview. April just suddenly screamed 'Holy shit! Damn!'

Brie and I suddenly stopped what we were doing on our laptops and hurried to where April was seating to know what was wrong. I met a really hot... sorry I meant flaming hot guy on her screen. I immediately assumed he was one of the so many crushers 'if that is even a word.'

"Omg April he is hot and you should totally date him. I mean I feel bad for Ryder if you stop crushing on him but I wouldn't feel bad if you end up with this nice piece of human specie. I mean come on," I turned to Brie who was beside me and asked " Wouldn't you date this nice human specie? No offense April." Brie started grinning.

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