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A/N- Happy New Year by the way. Cheers to a lovely year ahead🍻
Today has been so exhausting and it's just twelve p.m. There is so much a girl can take with the taunting Liam has been doing.

So flashback to when I first entered the office. Liam taunted me about walking into the office building without a bike and of course he wanted to know if I'll still be working with them now I was famous. I assured him that I just filled in because I wanted to help a friend,  which if you ask me isn't totally a lie. I wanted to help Brie, well kind of, but he doesn't have to know that the company is mine.
If I'm completely honest, I totally dreaded the day that Liam was going to find out about all this, because for how long can a secret remain a secret?

"Hey biker girl, do you remember we have a business lunch this afternoon?" Liam asked as he teased me again.
"Of course I remember, shoeless CEO," I smirked as I added the last part.

Liam just shook his head and smiled. Of course, he didn't reply 'cause he started it. He just continued putting his things together as we prepared to leave. I was putting my stuff together, when I remembered something, "Hey Liam," I called out and he raised his head from his desk giving his attention to me.
"Are we still coming back to the office?" I asked but somewhere deep down in my little heart, I mean not on the surface but way down in my heart, I wished he'll let me go back home after the business deal because I was spent and what I really wanted right now was to just lay on my bed and sleep.

"Your face says you don't want to come back to the office," Liam smirked as he said this.
I gasped in shock, a part of me wanted to deny it but we already agreed to never lie to each other. Although I added a clause in mine that Liam doesn't know about. I won't lie to him but if he ever finds out, I'm going to tell him straight up. If he doesn't and the six months elapses, I'll count my loses and let go. Liam has been so good to me and I don't want to repay him with evil.

"For real?" I asked.
"Yeah... For real. Do you play poker?" He asked.
"No... Why?"
"Good... 'cause you will definitely suck at it." He said without a bit of emotion.

I suddenly started laughing but not this small, undertone laughter. More like this bellowing kind of laughter, the right word- Belly laughter. When I finished laughing, I glanced up and noticed that Liam was staring at me with a puzzled expression.
"What's funny? Why were you laughing?"
"That's cause you just said the truth and made fun of my lack of poker skills, yet it's funny how true it is. I'll tell you about my poker Royal flush when we finish the business dinner with our associates if that's okay with you.
"Of course! When we're done with the business associates, we're going to have a friendly dinner at one of my resorts and I expect you to act as the name entails- a friend. Forget I'm your boss because we're leaving all that behind as soon as we leave this office building. I want to know you more than just an ordinary staff because you've never been one to me." He smiled as he finished.
"That touched me right here boss," I said placing my right hand on my chest dramatically.
"That's lovely to know. How about we fix this boss issue? I'll call you B.G and you'll call me S.C."
"And that means?" I drawled.
"Ohhh... Biker girl and Shoeless CEO. It'll be like our own inside joke." He smiled.
"I'll love that." I smiled back at him as I picked up my bag.

We stepped out of the office and Liam hurriedly Joanna that we'll be going for a business lunch and we won't be coming back.
When Liam turned to leave, Joanna hurriedly tapped me and 'Have loads of fun.' She mouthed and wriggled her brows. I mouthed back at her "It's a business lunch, not a sex escapade." She laughed as I walked away.
She's one of the people I'll miss when I finally leave.
            * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"So that went well?" Liam smiled at the just concluded business meeting. A huge oil mogul wanted to have his daughter's destination wedding at one of our resorts in Dubai. Liam had to assure him that the staff there are good and will make the wedding arrangements as high as his standards want it. I saw the love in his eyes for his daughter and but he had doubts.I watched Liam reassure all those doubts. The man wasn't difficult, he was just looking for the best for his princess and that was so adorable. When he was finally convinced, he shook Liam's hands and told him he'll send the plans that are in motion already so that Liam's staff could continue. He made Liam promise to come to the wedding and also made me assure him that I'll also be there. I'm sure he was thinking Liam and I were together or something... Like that'll ever happen.

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