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"I saw Amber the other day." Liam told me as he twirled my hair 'cause my head was on his laps. We just finished seeing 'A fall from Grace' and that movie is seriously lit. We have been dating for two weeks now, and those two weeks have been blissful. I have had the best dates ever, best gifts and all.

Our last date was at an ice skating rink and I had so much fun. Although I fell down on my butt countless number of times, I later got the hang of it. Then we ate at a Pepper 'N Spice restaurant as per my demand, and then I learnt one interesting fact about Liam- He absolutely hates spicy food, but he agreed to take just a bite because of me and he had a coughing fit. Keynote- Never offer Liam spicy food.

"And she said?" I asked.
"That she was sorry about everything. She was sorry that she cheated on me, and that for being a coward and not telling me in time." He said, looking a bit uncomfortable and Liam is rarely uncomfortable, so I knew there was more to this story.
"And?" I asked grudgingly. I knew that what I was going to hear won't make me happy, but I needed to hear it anyway.

"She said we should get back together." He frowned slightly as he said this.
"You told her..." I drawled.
"That I was already with someone else. When I told her this, she started crying and accused me of moving on too fast. She called me a heartless manwhore," He laughed a little at the idea of being called a manwhore and he continued, "She cheated on me and didn't even have the decency to tell me to my face." He shook his head again.

I kept silent for a really long time. So she had the guts to ask my boyfriend out again? Okay, calm down Lettie, he just became your boyfriend two weeks ago, my inner thoughts told me.

"Earth to Lettie." Liam said snapping his fingers in my face.
"I'm sorry, I got lost in thoughts for a little while." I smiled, although the smile was every inch of fake.

Honestly, I was scared that Liam may realize that he made the wrong choice.

"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" He tickled me lightly on my waist, and I started laughing. Yup, I'm really ticklish and Liam, he's not ticklish, one bit. I mean life is so unfair, how do people just come into the world and are not even ticklish?

"Nothing is going on in my head." I denied.
"Lettie, you have your thinking eyes on." He touched my eye lightly.
"Is that even a thing?" I muttered dryly. Apparently Liam knew me more than I knew myself.
"Well, it's a thing for you, so spill."
"Are you sure you don't want get back with Amber?" You know..." I stopped immediately I noticed Liam's contenance changed.

"You know what? I thought I should keep this to myself but I think it's time I told you or rather showed you." He raised my head from his lap, and stood up from the sofa. He picked up his laptop from the table in his room, and came to sit back. He opened the laptop, clicked on a file and then dropped the on my lap. I sat upright in order to view what opened.

As I was viewing the file, Amber's voice played in my head, "I love Liam a lot but he's attached a lot to a girl of his past, doesn't say her name or anything so I don't really know her."
Liam had all my pictures of me at one social event or the other. He even had my prom picture, the picture of when I graduated from Harvard business school, and so many others.

So I was the girl from the past that Liam didn't want to forget, I was the unknown intruder in their relationship. So Amber was right after all. I never wanted to ruin their relationship, but I did unknownily.

"How do you get all these?" I asked.
"Well, after I held your hand that day I was suddenly curious, so I asked my dad about you. I gave a vivid description, then my dad told me your name. I searched you up on instagram, obviously you weren't there when you were ten. I kept searching, then one day I was lucky because you joined instagram. I used your instagram to add you on other social media platforms. So I knew the most important days of your life 'cause that's when you always posted." He finished.

I was so shocked that Liam waited for a really long time and never told me he liked me.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked.
"Well, I wasn't actually living in New York that time. I only flew in for the gala because my dad said to come back 'cause it was important. I only started living in New York fully, when I mean fully is that I was in a boarding school in Los Angeles and I only came back whenever I was on summer break. I started living in New York when I finished from college. I felt by that time I was stable in New York enough to want you but..." I already knew why he never asked me, "I was getting married to Ryder." I finished for him. I noticed that the pictures he had of me stopped at my engagement to Ryder.

"I knew I already lost you, I was so sad and all. Then my dad yelled at me one day to get my shit together, that's when I proposed to Amber but no matter how much I thought hard about it, I couldn't marry Amber. So the day you walked into my office like the answer to my prayers, I knew I had to pretend that I didn't know you else you'll freak out and run off without even knowing me. So if I have waited for you this long, why will I want someone else? You all I have ever wanted, it's always been you. So never doubt it even for a second."

With teary eyes, I drew closer to Liam and threw my arms around him.
"I'm sorry for doubting you." I apologized.

"It's no big deal, I told you I'll always stick by your side no matter what. I'm that stubborn gum that refuses to go out no matter how hard you try. You're stuck with me Lettie, and I am never letting go." He said while placing his lips on mine.

A/N- Lettie is scared but love is not for the fainthearted and Liam is proving that Lettie is the one for him no matter what she thinks.

Have you found your own person? The person who shows you how valuable you are, even if everyone says you are useless?

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