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"What are you doing here?" I asked again.

Maddie turned and smiled at me like she was actually happy to see me. Keep your fake smile for people who need it. I mumbled.

I turned to the receptionist and said, "Never mind, she's my sister. I'm also sorry for her behavior towards you. We usually don't mind her antics cause she was dropped on the head as a baby." I said to lighten the mood. It obviously worked cause the receptionist smiled.

Maddie looked like she was about to say something, but I hurriedly dragged her out of the company's building. She pulled her hand out of my grasp.

"Must you be rude to me? Did I hit my head as a baby? What the actual f*ck? I'm your older sister for goodness sake. Show me some respect... No rather, I demand some respect from you." She yelled.
"Then act like one!" I yelled back.
It's funny how I went from smiling with Liam to yelling at Maddie. I knew she always brought the worst out of me.

Maddie became quiet probably shocked at my yelling, so I continued talking, "We'll go to your car and discuss why you are here like civilized human beings. I would show you some respect and you will do the same. Capice?"
Maddie grumbled, but luckily she didn't make a scene. She just led me to her car, and we both entered.
When we closed the car doors, I turned to her.

"I ask again... What are you doing here?"
"Well... I went to your office to demand a change of my swimsuit again, but Brie told me you no longer work there for now, that I should change the swimsuit myself. So I became curious as to where you were when I remembered the bet. Wow, you actually went through with it?
"I knew you wished I didn't, but I'm so sorry to disappoint you Maddie became I'm not giving up without a fight." I declared.

"See Lettie finally doing something out of her comfort zone. I'll see how far you are willing to go to achieve your goal. Would you toy with some guy's heart because of an ordinary house and a measly two hundred thousand dollars?"
"It's not about the money and I know you know it. It's about the house. So I advise to back off and never come here again. I'm ready to crush anything on my part including you. I don't care if you are my family member." I sternly warned her.

"Whatever... It's not like I care anyway. Just complete the dare in six months else your house and money is mine. You may get out of my car." She popped the car door open.
"Yeah, whatever... Stay away from me until then." I got out of the car and watched her zoom off.
A lone tear dropped from my eye.
I asked myself mentally 'Why did I get a sister who can never love me? Why do we always fight when we see each other? Why can't I tell her my secrets and know that she'll keep them for me?'
These were the questions running through my mind as I walked to the restaurant where I was supposed to have lunch with Joanna.
               * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"So Macy said she wanted to paint her nails black, but I said no... Red definitely looks better on you. Red is daring and vicious, so..." Joanna paused, to take a sip of her drink before she continued talking about her and Macy in the ICT department manicure time.

"She definitely agreed with me and painted her nails red. Now she's got three different guys in Marketing ready to do her biddings. Red is definitely the color of seduction," She was talking, and she paused again to take a sip from her drink before she continued, "You know what? I think you should definitely come with us to manicure next week. It'll be fun trust me." She grinned expectantly.

I didn't even have the heart to say no to that face, so I nodded my head in approval. She continued grinning as she hugged me tightly.
"You definitely won't regret it, and you will definitely have a swell time."
I grinned back, "I know I will."
I most definitely like my working experience here. It's been simply amazing.
                * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I finished work by six p.m that day and was about to enter my car when my phone started ringing. I opened my bag and discovered that Brie was calling, so I picked up and started speaking before she could even say a word.

"I know about the chili pepper. April already called to remind me to pick some on my way back. No need calling to..." I was talking but I stopped when I heard Brie hiccup like she's been crying.
"Hold up... Are you crying right now?" I asked, but Brie didn't respond. Instead, she kept crying harder.

"Brie talk to me, what's wrong?" I asked anxiously.
Finally, Brie was able to formulate a sentence, but that sentence didn't calm me down one bit.

"Leticia please come home right now. Something terrible just happened." She said and hung up.
I hurriedly entered my car and started zooming back home.
What could possibly be wrong right now?

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