Robots and Emotions Don't Mix Well

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Keys - Y/N; Your Name
Words - 1327 Words

3rd Person P.O.V.

Y/N sighed as she powered on. As a robot, she didn't have any emotions, or she couldn't feel anything. It was scientifically proven. Somebody walked into her room, and unplugged her from her 'bed', which was really just a metal table highly slanted. It was her creator, who created her almost six months ago. He was pretty tall, actually, 5'11 feet, with black hair and green eyes. They'd gotten pretty close, but he had to ship her out later that day. Y/N didn't know, however. He kept many secrets from her, but she found a few, due to her being able to read human emotions. It was solely the reason she was created for, and to also try and mimic those emotions until she could feel then.

"Alright, rise and shine, N/N!" He smiled, as he pushed his hair out of the way. "Let's get you ready, we're going to meet someone today." Y/N just sort of stared at him with no emotion, before her mouth moved slightly, as if trying to impersonate Michael. He chuckled at her attempts, before helping her off the stand. "Good morning, Michael. How have you slept?" "Like a baby. I'll help you with your hair, alright?" She nodded, and sat at her desk, in front of her mirror.  Michael grabbed a brush, and started combing through her hair. She tried smiling again, and somewhat managed. "Michael, who will we be visiting today?" "Actually, you'll meet them. I can't, as I'll be busy with a meeting." She nodded, and waited, before Michael gave her one last smile, a sad one at that. He pulled her hair into a sleek ponytail, before pressing the small button on her neck, to power her off. It tore his heart, to see the robot he loved and spent so many days with, just turn off and be delivered to someone else.

Michael picked her up, and unbent her joints, so she would be able to fit in her box, along with her slanted bed, and her other possessions. He placed her on her bed, before getting one of his friends to help put her in the box, wrapping her safely, and the 'bed' as well. Making sure everything would be fine, Michael frowned, and patted the box, hoping everything would be fine during shipping. He motioned for his friend to come over and help take it to the nearest UPS, to send her out.

-A week later-

Alexis peeked outside of his window, waiting for a package to arrive. He'd ordered a desk bigger to fit all three of his monitors, since they were mostly crowded together on his current desk. He saw the UPS truck stop at his house, and drop off two large boxes. 'Weird. I didn't know that it'd come in two boxes,' he thought. Dragging in both boxes, he started unpacking the bigger one, and peeked into it. 'Why's there a robot? I don't remember ordering it...' He still continued to unbox it, before taking out the lightweight robot, which appeared feminine. Alex accidentally turned on the power button, and it sprung to life. It moved slowly, and looked around the human's room, before locking eyes with him. "Who are you? You are not Michael. You are not Erick, either." Alex just stared in shock. The robot continued looking, and started walking out of his room, exploring.

Alex recovered from his shock, before he heard the robot start panicking. "Michael?! Michael?!" She kept repeating that same name. "Please calm down! I don't know who Michael is-" "Michael was my creator. I powered off while he was helping me get ready to meet someone and I- wait... am I supposed to have met you?"

Alex's P.O.V.

"I didn't even order you!" I responded in a panicky tone. "I did not know that I was supposed to have been ordered.." She replied. "Well... I guess you have to stay with me now?" She tilted her head. "Apologies for not introducing myself. I am Y/N, and my purpose is to learn how human emotions work, and replicate them as accurate as possible." "I'm Alexis, but just call me Alex. Now, can you tell me more about yourself?" She looked at the ground for a moment, before looking back up. "I.. I suppose so. I was created about six months ago. I can only smile while feeling happy, though not very well." I frowned. "Can you try and do that?" Y/N stared at me blankly, before frowning. "Have I done it?" I nodded, excited. "Come on, I'll show you more!"

-A year later-

It's been a while since Y/N arrived, and I've got to admit, these months together have been great. I guess it's because I'm doing something I never really thought I'd be doing. Anyway, I don't know how, or why, but I started liking her? It's a really dumb thing. I guess it's because she's slowly starting to better understand emotions? And she acts cute without her even noticing. "Alex?" Y/N asked, as she stopped at my door. I was currently editing one of my live streams into a video for my second YouTube channel. "Yeah? What's up?" I looked up." She looked embarrassed, looking down at her feet. "I have something to tell you... something important." She walked inside. "I guess I do, too." 'Alex, what the hell are you doing? Why are you confessing to something inanimate, nonetheless something that can't feel what love is?' I mentally screamed, but I bit back my lip. I looked over to her, and she smiled. It wasn't one of her first smiles, like the ones she showed me before, but a small smile. A real one.

"Y/N, I like you a lot. I really do. Bonding with you these past couple months has been amazing, and wonderful. I want you to know that, even though you'll probably say something dumb because of how you were programmed, I genuinely care about you. I used to be so awkward around you, and I didn't know how to feel, after a robot suddenly turned up at my house. I... I... fuck, I love you. I really do." I got out of my chair, and hugged her tightly. I knew that she wouldn't know what love is, but I managed to say it. True to what I said before, she spoke in her monotone, auto-programmed voice. "I am unable to understand what you are saying. Please elaborate."

Y/N's P.O.V.

I spoke a line that I never really remembered being implanted in me. "I am unable to understand what you are saying. Please elaborate." I felt tingly, and fuzzy. He started to cry a little, as if upset about what I had said. I know that it wasn't true, but love? I've heard of it before. "I love you a lot, Y/N. I love the way you smile so brightly at the small things-" A ping in my interior programming. "How your nose twitches at literally anything-" Another. "And I just... I do love you. You make me really happy, and I'm glad we met." A final ping. Thoughts swarmed my mind. "Alexis..." I struggled to think of the right words. He looked up, from my hug, and I could see his face. He was crying. But out of what? I didn't know. I did know, however, that I needed to tell him what was wrong with my programming. "Something has happened to me. I feel tingly, and I've felt a ping in my interior programming for every time you have explained why you love me. I now know what love is, and I'm pretty sure I love you too, Alex." He smiled, and started to chuckle, while wiping away his tears. "Y/N! You didn't speak formally that time!" He hugged me again, but tightly. "This may be weird, but I don't want to let you go. " I giggled, and patted his head. "Shut up."

dedicated to meetorange69 you bully

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