[Sweet Dreams]

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(HI! Your probably wondering why this is reposted. WELL! I meant to delete a sentence, but I forgot to. Nothing major in the story changed. And if you have no idea what I'm talking about, then don't you worry about it! I hope you enjoy the reading)

(I just wanna say something important. I'm the picture I sent of Hope, he had a spear on his back. Hope DOES NOT have that spear yet. Remember this)

[Stain's P.O.V]

I was feeling really happy about the idea of living here. Everyone seemed so nice! I walked over to two little kids who were on the couch. One was wearing a bright colored robe, and was sleeping on a kid who had black tentacles coming out of him and a dark purple robe. He was reading a book. But the one with tentacles seemed familiar to me for some reason.

"Hi! What's—"

Cray walked over to me.

Cray: "That's Shade. And the little guy who's sleeping is on him, is Shine."

"Aw, are—"

The kid named Shade interrupted me.

Shade: "Stop talking to me. My brother is sleeping. And you're probably only talking to me because you think it would make yourself feel better that you talked to everyone in this house."


"Uhm.... Nice meeting you Shade!"

I walked away from the two, with Cray. A lot of the other skeletons were also here. I looked around to see where Hope went, but I didn't see him.

"Um. Hey Cray?"

Cray: "Yeah dude?"

"Did you see where Hope went?"

I heard a sudden voice from behind me—

Hope: "I'm right here..."


I turned around and saw Hope!

"There you are! Haha. Looking beautiful as ever."


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