[Yo Girl + Meant to Be Yours|Musical]

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Non of this is cannon!

First off. Yes. This is a real ship. And it actually sorta works great, so I'm going to keep it!


I will be implying suicide is. If that's a trigger to you, I suggest not reading this Musical)

[Yo Boy]

Gradient was on the phone with Cray.

"Did you hear? Bluescreen Dumptruck took a belly flop off the Old Mill Bridge last night holding a suicide note!"

"Oh my God... Is he dead...?"

"Just some broken bones. Just another geek trying to imitate the popular people and failing miserably. Haha!"

Gradient hung up, and ran to the hospital.

[Palette, PJ and Rurik:]
"Yo... Boy... Keep it together. I... Knew... You would come far. Now... You're... Truly a Trio. Smell... How... Gangsta you are."

Gradient saw Bluescreen on the hospital, hooked up to a heart monitor.

"Bluescreen, I'm so sorry..."

[Palette, PJ and Rurik:]
"Yo... Boy... Feel a bit punchy? He's... Not... Looking so well. Still... You've... Earned that red scrunchie. Come... Join... Palette in hell."

(I tried to find a word that rhymes with "Hat" and means something similar to "Punchy" but I couldn't find a good one. So I just kept it)

Gradient walked back home. When he got their, his parents looked angry, and worried.

[Gradient's dad (Error):]
"Where have you been?!"

[Gradient's mom (Ink):]
"We've been worried sick! Your friend Horror stopped by. He told us everything!"


[Gradient's dad (Error):]
"Your depression. Your thoughts of suicide..."

[Gradient's mom (Ink:]
"He even showed us your copy of Moby Dick!"

Ink held up a Moby Dick book. Gradient took it, and started flipping through the pages. His handwriting was on the pages.

 His handwriting was on the pages

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(Sorry If you cant read it. Picture is from Elemental FA, on YouTube, Yo Girl)

"He's got your handwriting down cold."

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